f o u r .

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" 1........2.........3" I whispered as I was running away. I thought that he'll stop me but he didn't. He didn't. I cried the whole time. Thinking about him. I just can't believe we just broke up. I was in so much pain.

I took a taxi and went to the nearest club. I walked in and ordered something really strong to heal the scar in my heart.

I sat down and started drinking way more than I used to. It didn't help at all. No matter how hard I tried to forget him. I just couldn't. I drank half of a bottle. And suddenly everything seemed so fuzzy.

It was too late to stay in place like this. I tried to stand up but I lost my balance. Then someone appeared in front of me. He put my arms around his neck and lifted me from the ground. As he was carrying me ,my eyes closed heavily as sleep overcame me.

Jungkook POV

I saw her getting on taxi so I decided to follow her. I walked in the club and sat down somewhere away from her ,so she wouldn't saw me.

Finally she was about to leave. She stood up but then she lost her balance and pitched backward. I came nearer to her and lifted her up. She seemed so drunk.

I gave her a piggyback ride all the way home. She was talking all the way about how she much loves Taehyung.

" But who are you?" she started giggling, pointing her finger on my cheek. She looked so cute.

" I'm your boyfriend." I said with a deep voice.

" No way..... Oppㅡa? " she looked at me and pressed her warm lips on my cold cheek which made my cheeks red.

" I mi-ss yo-u" she whispered in my ear.

" Okaaay. Give me your phone." I told . I took her phone and called her friend.

" Hi, It is Sora?" I asked. I told her to come and then I returned Raeah's phone.

" Put me down." she begged. I put her down on the bench and crossed my arms looking down on her. Suddenly, she grabbed my tie and pulled me closer to her.

" I need to take off my bra, Its so tight." she said which made me laugh. I was looking into her lovely eyes. I couldn't help. I needed her lips. I kissed her, and to my surprise she kissed back.

" Its driving me insane how i can't have you." I told her as I broke the kiss.

Finallly Sora arrived.

" Okay, I'll take care of her, oppa." Sora said and I just nodded.

" good night" i said and kissed on her forehead.


I opened my eyes. I still couldn't remembered what happened yesterday. I didn't even remembered how did I arrive home. I think I just drank a lot.

I was on the way to school. I still felt how my eyes burnt from the crying. I don't want to go to school. I don't know even if I'll be able to look into oppa's eyes. I tried to look calm. But then I heard Lee Sora's voice.

" aw honey, Are you okay?" she said,running with her arms open to hug me. I placed my head on her shoulder and started crying. Then she wipped my tears away.


We entered the school and I was going to take my books. I opened my locker. But then some papers dropped out from it. I picked them up and read what was written on it.

" You hurt Taehyung's sunbaenim feelings. You deserve to die" " slut" " Dont dare to look at Jungkook oppa" " just DIE".

I can't even describe this feeling. Why are they doing this to me? But then someone occured in front of me. It was Choi Heran. Before I had realized who stood in front of me she gave me a strong slap.

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