96) Rolaid
Dark Form;
Father: Tucker Cheng
Official Summary: Human art. Thinks he belongs in a museum and...is he wrong?? He's a clumsy goofball, so pretty and /really/ easy to get along with. Overall just a big lover.
How I Feel Now: I still stand by the fact he belongs in a museum, human fucking art right there. I love him. I accidentally deleted those pants he's wearing in that first outfit, so when I loaded the game he was wearing that boujee ass shirt and just underwear, but I fixed it and he's fine. He looks good in leather pants and jeans alike, good for him good for him. Most of his outfits I believe were printed shirts, I'm pulling a Tan France, we love a print. Rolaid probably is gonna be a model, like he wants that attention, he wants that praise, and he's gonna get famous because he has the right type of personality to make people fall in love with him. I should really get the Get Famous pack in the Sims but no money is really thwarting that plan...smh. Old men keep messaging me on Instagram maybe I should get them to give me money. Hey, come on, I'm kidding...
97) Seabrook
Mermaid Form;
My 100 Baybee Profiles
Tarihi KurguYes, your girl who never wants kids in her life is gonna show off all of her sim Children. Now you get to know their personalities as well as their faces! Omg so exciting I don't know why you wouldn't want to read this.