005. - harry styles

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It was insane really

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It was insane really. It was insane how he wouldn't shut his fucking mouth. Ever since you and Alhaitham had that talk, words spread amongst your friends. Unfortunately, they won't stop bothering you about it.

"Hutao most of them have been friends with Alhaitham quite longer than I have. What if they view me the same way as he views me?"

"Oh I'm sure they won't." Hutao reassures. "Even if all of them turns against you, you'll have me and Kaveh covering your back. Oh! And Yanfei of course!"

"Thank you so much. But unless he cooperates and tells me anything, this won't stop."

"You're right. Unless you wanna figure out how this all happened in the first place without his help?" Hutao suggests.

"Yes! Let's name it: 'Operation Harry Styles.'"

Hutao looks at you with a disappointed kind of look. "Are you serious? Why's that the name?"

"Well, we can't possibly do this on our own with our shared brain cell. So, what if we enlist the help of the biggest Harry Styles stan?"

"Aether?! Really?!" Hutao exclaims. "He may be our childhood friend but he doesn't take sides that often. Same with Lumine."

"That's the thing! If we convince Aether of my innocence, then he might be able to help us! Plus, if I'm able to, I'll buy him an album."

"So basically, you're just gonna bribe him? I'm definitely in!"

"Hold on. We have one problem though."

Hutao asks, "What is it?"

"I'm sure Alhaitham would talk shit about me again in the next few days. We really need to get Aether's help to put an end to this madness"

"Right... What if we get Yanfei and take Alhaitham to court for defamation?"

"First of all, that's an excuse for you to see her. And second, I don't want my brother knowing about this. He'll definitely pull some strings to get him arrested and even if I hate that man's guts, it seems a bit unfair to do that, y'know."

The two of you continued to ramble on ideas on what to do until one particular idea felt plausible.

"Let's combine the Harry Styles idea with another confrontation with him."

This seemed to be Hutao's best idea yet. You could actually see it working out. "Alright, let's start this plan tomorrow."


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YouI did what you asked

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I did what you asked.
When will you send the money?

Why cant you just add my number though 💀

You have too much numbers.
I cant add all of them.

Welp, pleasure doing business with youu

A/N: short chapter but yknow lore at the end harhar

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A/N: short chapter but yknow lore at the end harhar

anyways, ill make a longer chapter once im less busy

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