029. - gartic phone

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"Kaveh slips and dies from banana"

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"Kaveh slips and dies from banana"

Alhaitham reads out in a dead pan voice as the text pops up in the game.

It was currently 1 AM and him and everybody else were streaming Gartic Phone. With Y/N leaving Sumeru the previous day, Alhaitham's friends could sense that he was obviously upset.

"Dehya I swear..." Kaveh grumbles upon seeing it was Dehya who wrote the prompt.

"Cry about it."

The picture then pops up of a drawing of the said prompt.

The picture then pops up of a drawing of the said prompt

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The artist? It was Aether. He was rather proud with his own drawing.

While all of these were fun, Alhaitham was still upset. How could you just leave him behind and get a situationship? That's all absurd!

As the game goes on, he becomes more and more quiet. The first to notice this was Childe who wasn't that much updated with the whole situation due to his modelling job overseas.

He tried his best to get Alhaitham's attention but nothing. His eyes were just glued to his screen, occasionally adding commentary for his viewers.

"Unspecified person with cat? Nahh this looks like Y— Actually I'll just shut my mouth." Lumine reads the prompt until she realises she was making Alhaitham's silence worse.

"Alright you know what? Cheer up everyone!" Childe speaks up catching everyone's attention. "I don't exactly know what happened but we need to move on and be happy!"

"Childe... It's 1AM in Sumeru. We're all getting tired while you just woke up from your little beauty nap." Kaeya points out, clearly trying to change the topic. "And besides, leave them be. Not our fault they're ruining the mood." He tries to make it sound like he wasn't talking about Alhaitham but it was painfully obvious.

"Well at least I'm not stinking up the call..." Alhaitham mumbles.

"Oh look who finally spoke! Did the furry finally came to his senses?" Kaeya scoffs

"Go shut the fuck up you absolute piece of shit." Alhaitham's anger made everyone in the call silent. Everyone watching the stream was shocked with the way he lashed out.

"You know what, I'm out. I can't deal with any of you children here."

A/N: i have no idea where this chapter was going towards but hey its 2024 and i told myself i needed to finish what was going on here

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A/N: i have no idea where this chapter was going towards but hey its 2024 and i told myself i needed to finish what was going on here

also excuse my writing its been a year since i last genuinely wrote something genshin related 😭

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