014. - happy birthday alhaitham

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"Thank you for all your kind messages

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"Thank you for all your kind messages. Shall we continue the stream?"

Alhaitham was sitting in his room, streaming by himself since it was his birthday. He didn't exactly have anyone to celebrate it with since Kaveh had classes and he didn't exactly want to hang out with Kaeya, Dehya and the others after what happened yesterday.

He logged into the minecraft server and saw... no one.

He sighs before muttering, "another one alone, huh?"

Alhaitham continued to mine for diamonds until he checked his chat.

'k4v3h: dumbass turned around'

'alhaithamsleftiddie: AYOOO WHY ARE THEY THERE 😧😧😧'

'alhaithamsonlywife: ew get them off the screen 💀'

'y/nxkaeyareal: TURN AROURNB'

Once he finally turned around to see what his chat was talking about, he found you holding up a wrapped birthday present and a balloon.

"Surprise! Happy birthday!"

To say he wasn't shocked was an understatement. He didn't expect you, out of all his friends to be the first one to greet him in real life.

"What? Not even a thank you?"

"Oh, my apologies. Thank you so much."

His chat was going crazy over your surprise for him. The last time they saw you and Alhaitham together, you were basically sworn enemies. 'What exactly happened off camera?' was what they were all thinking.

"Hold on, we'll be back. Let me turn off this stream."

Once he turned it off, he finally walked over to you. "You didn't have to get me something. Although, what gave you the idea to surprise me in that way?" He asks, placing the gift box on his table.

"Well, you really cheered me up yesterday and you know, I wanted to make it up to you since apparently you don't really take birthday's seriously."

"I appreciate the thought, thank you."

If you showed the Y/N from weeks ago, they would totally be shocked at how nice Alhaitham is now. His attitude towards you really turned 180 degrees.

You both eventually decide to do a cooking video downstairs in the kitchen.

"Hey, do you know anything about cooking?" You ask.

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