007. - influencer house ?

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UnknownSo youre dating them?

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So youre dating them?

Do you have a problem with that?


You are jealous.
Nevertheless, would you want me to continue this or should I stop this time?

I'll pay £100
Break their image more so they could run back to me once no one is there for them

What if when Y/N comes over, we plan an Influencer House and we could embarrass them there?

Anywhoo, report back to me once you do more damage
Who knows, maybe id add more to that paycheck

Fine, I'll do well.

Can you help me with homework tho?

Ask Tartaglia.



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You arrived at Alhaitham and Kaveh's shared house at exactly 6PM

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You arrived at Alhaitham and Kaveh's shared house at exactly 6PM. You really didn't want to do this however, you had to! For the sake of information! Yes, it was a very lame reason.

For the second time, you rang the doorbell, getting frustrated.

"If you keep ringing the doorbell like that I will smack you." Alhaitham opens the door whilst having an annoyed type of face.

"You're too much of a pussy to smack me."

"No, I am not. I can't be bothered doing that now."

He lets you inside the living room and left to get drinks in the kitchen.

One thing you noticed in the room was that it was filled with photographs. Most of them were of him and his friends (most who you were friends with as well) and some were just Kaveh.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you comply with the 'date' we arranged earlier? You could've easily bailed on me and left me 'heartbroken' " He sets the cups down on the coffee table as he sits across you.

"You're scarily calm today..." You took the cup and sipped the juice he prepared. "I really dislike you. No, I think 'hate' is the word. How can someone I only ever heard of as the person who stole Kaveh's keys hate me that much? I guess I'm annoying online I understand that but breaking friendships? I just don't get that."

The man across you seemed to be lost in thought. His eyes were on the floor and he was fiddling around with his fingers.

"Maybe I did it because I like you?"

You both knew it was a lie. Yet, he stayed neutral and quiet and it was driving you insane. "Quit lying and just answer me properly! Why can't you just simply do that?!"

Low-key, Alhaitham was enjoying all of this. You really were driven to insanity. To him, it was hilarious.

"What? You're just gonna stare at me???"

"Oh sorry, no. I just think you look like a cute and angry cat."

You? An angry cat? That's it, you were at your limit. "Will you stop trying to act sweet and be serious!"

"Fine. How would you feel about joining an Influencer House?"

Well that was random. You've thought about a second and you've decided...

"If you stop being a dick then sure. Also, as long as Hutao and Kaveh are there, then I'll surely go."

"Great. I'll lend you the details soon. If you just give me your number?"

"Haha... No."


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A/N: another short chapter sorry 😭 but i promise it will be longer the next few chapters

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A/N: another short chapter sorry 😭 but i promise it will be longer the next few chapters

also, thanks for 1k reads here. i rlly appreciate it 🫶🫶🫶

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