018. - exposed

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Without a doubt, the fight had spawned many rumours

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Without a doubt, the fight had spawned many rumours. Every one of them, you hated so bad.

Because of that hatred, you decide to finally face him, the man who started this mess... Again.

You both agreed to meet up in front of the University to go on a drive while talking about it. Unlike the last time you agreed to talk to him personally, you both agreed to take this seriously.

"I just don't get how you're still misunderstanding things and using those so-called facts into humiliating me in front of our friends!"

"You think I'm stupid? You don't think I'm doing all that because I'm furious with you??? I despise you."

"Then why do you want me back?! Make it make sense!"

He fell into silence. His eyes were now hyper focused on the road as he now ignored your presence.

"Kaeya, you were a jerk to me this past month," You sighed, looking out on the window on your left. "Your true nature is really showing to them all."

"True nature? Don't make me laugh. You do realise that all I've done to you those past 7 years was be a great boyfriend! I treated you well but what did you give in return? You ignored me. You ignored me for months on end and when we broke up, nothing. You ignored my every move."

"Kaeya... I saw you kissing that girl in your class. I wanted to surprise you that day. I had to travel from the Akademiya to Teyvat Uni for that surprise. I legit had to travel for an hour and that was what I see. You accuse me of cheating on you when you were cheating first. At least Diluc was a better person than you..."

"You take that back!" He stops driving and pulls up in a parking lot. "I was helping that girl with homework! Gosh Y/N you're so—"

"Goddamnit. Don't continue that sentence. We both know that's not true. You're so full of shit."

"Me? I'm full of shit? You literally slept with Alhaitham! You choose that jerk over me?"

"As a matter of fact, yes, I will. Cause unlike you, he actually tells the truth. Also, we didn't sleep each other that way! You're being delusional."

"The only one being delusional here is you. Alhaitham? Always telling the truth? That's the biggest lie I've ever heard from you."

Somehow he sounded genuine this time. Maybe Alhaitham wasn't actually being genuine with you...

"What? Are you starting to believe me?" Kaeya rose his eyebrow, looking at you with curious eyes. "I can show you proof but it comes with a price."

Oh? He has proof?

You, of course, asked for it. He opened his phone and handed it to you.

Of course, that was Kaeya's mistake on his part. He not only exposed himself but he exposed his intentions.

From the text messages from when the bet first started and to the messages their gc sent. "What... What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"I did what I had to do!"

"What you had to do?! Kaeya you made a fucking bet about me!"

"Well you deserved it!"

Tears were threatening to fall from your eyes as you analysed all the times you cared for Alhaitham and the ones involved in hiding this fact.

"You're a jerk, Kaeya. You've taken things too far!" You exited his car, trying to walk away.

Kaeya on the other hand was chasing after you.

"Y/N! Wait! You'll get—"

You didn't listen to Kaeya. You kept walking until...

You saw a car nearly hit you.

Luckily, Kaeya pushed you out of the way. (this is so dramatic im laughing so hard)

"Kaeya! Get off me!"

You tried pushing him off but he wouldn't move. "Your arm's bleeding. Let's get you back to my car."

"Oh, so now you care? Stop trying to manipulate me."

You finally got up, holding the wound on your arm as you try to suppress the pain.

You gave him one final look and you walked away.

One thing you expect after this day was, you can never trust anyone again.

One thing you expect after this day was, you can never trust anyone again

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ok but fr its lowkey cringe im sirry😭😭😭

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