024. - cat parents

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After travelling for 5 hours, you had finally arrived back in Sumeru

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After travelling for 5 hours, you had finally arrived back in Sumeru. It was really hard saying goodbye to your brothers and your niece but at least you'll come back for Pantalone's wedding.

Right now, Alhaitham was driving you both to his home. Or so, you thought.

You and Alhaitham were now parked in front of a pet store. You looked at him in confusion, asking: "Are you really going to hand me in the pet store as a pet?"

"What? No. You'll see."

See what? Linger in the cat section and end up not adopting a kitty?

As you both entered the pet shop, you immediately wandered off away from Alhaitham whom you didn't realise was talking to the person in front of the store.

You coo'd at the tiny kitty cats, getting captured by their adorableness. If only your landlord allowed pets. You would've been the parent of a cat.

"Y/N, let's go."

You turned around to see Alhaitham...

Carrying a small black cat. "No fucking way," You couldn't move out of shock. "Am I dreaming?"

"Love, you don't want our son getting tired now, right?"

This moment right now felt unreal. The nickname he gave you wasn't like the cocky one he used back then. And the way he talks to you was a lot more softer. He was certainly unlike the Alhaitham you've met weeks and weeks ago.

Once you sat back in the car, he handed you the kitty cat with a smile. "I've decided not to name him since I know you would want to—"

"Ghost Bartholomew Martin Luther Alexander Timothy the II." You cut him off with no hesitation.

Ghost Bartholomew Martin Luther Alexander Timothy the II meows at you happily as he hops to your lap.

"Alright then. Before we go home, I asked Nilou beforehand if you were allowed to keep pets in the apartment but unfortunately she said no so, I've decided to keep Ghost in my house."

"Alhaitham, you're seriously the best. You better not influence our son with doing drugs, alright? Also, give him a curfew. He needs to study first before getting bitches."

He only smiles after you've said that.

"Don't worry. He'll be fine with me," He stops to think for a minute before saying, "If you want, you can even stay at my house for a while."

"Sure. I have my clothes at the back. Plus, I don't plan on going back to streaming soon anyway."

With that, the three of you drive off to his house, feeling cheerful the whole ride.

With that, the three of you drive off to his house, feeling cheerful the whole ride

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A/N: sorry for another filler chapter but my mood today was like rlly bad cause some old men were like staring at my chest earlier like touch grass alhaitham solos yous

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A/N: sorry for another filler chapter but my mood today was like rlly bad cause some old men were like staring at my chest earlier like touch grass alhaitham solos yous

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