🧠mental and physical disorders🧠

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Ah, mental disorders. I hate them. The turtles are exposed to multiple traumas that effect them throughout the series.
I'm here to talk about them. Starting with Donnie.

[Bulimia] it will be hinted in the show that Donnie has bulimia, a mental disorder in which a person binge eats and then purges, which is usually in the form of vomiting. This habit was started when Casey made a comment on how much he ate saying that he would blow up like a balloon. After that he started exhibiting strange behavior that can be noticed in the series if you pay attention. You can tell he has it because he eats a lot of food but doesn't seem to gain any weight.

[ptsd] all of the turtles have ptsd because of trauma they've went through. I can't really get down to what caused it specifically because it was a multitude of things.

[adhd] Donnie has adhd and it becomes apparent in the first episode. He has a very compulsive nature and has a very low frustration tolerance. He has a hard time multitasking and he has very poor planning skills. He has figured out how to work around it but it still shows through. He has trouble prioritizing and he is relatively disorganized. He has trouble focusing and he has poor time management skills. He has trouble sitting still for long periods of time and tends to remember big bits of information but forget small bits of information. But regardless of his adhd, he is still a very valuable member of the team.

[ptsd] all of the turtles have ptsd because of trauma they've went through. I can't really get down to what caused it specifically because it was a multitude of things.

[bipolar disorder] Leo has intense mood swings and you can tell by him being happy-go-lucky one moment and depressed the next. He randomly snaps at his brothers although, he never harms them. It is hinted towards although, never fully covered.

[ptsd] all of the turtles have ptsd because of trauma they've went through. I can't really get down to what caused it specifically because it was a multitude of things.

Raph doesn't really have any other disorders. Since he's angry all the time, people might think he's bipolar, but he's not. It's just a common case of angst.

[ptsd] all of the turtles have ptsd because of trauma they've went through. I can't really get down to what caused it specifically because it was a multitude of things.

[Schizoid personality disorder] Mikey's personality in the show is very distant and emotionless. He experiences slight hints of joy in the show but most of the time he would rather be alone. This might cause people to be confused since Mikey is usually the fun outgoing character. But he is still outgoing he just doesn't express it much.

Casey and April have ptsd as well but not much else. Their pretty ok.
Stay tuned! 💙❤️💜🧡

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