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"NOT ONLY DID you knock over that poor elderly lady, but you nearly dragged her with you to the ground trying to stop yourself from falling

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"NOT ONLY DID you knock over that poor elderly lady, but you nearly dragged her with you to the ground trying to stop yourself from falling." Cory's laughter has turned into full on wheezing. It warms me with a good mix of nostalgia and embarrassment.

"Are you ever going to let me live that down? The bus made an unexpected sharp turn right when I got up, it all happened so fast."

"I'm never letting you live that down, the woman had arthritis." He continues.

"I apologized. Tried to buy her some bonbons but she started hitting me with her umbrella." I lower my head.

"Okay, I know how traumatic that was for you. I'll stop, for now." He teases with continued amusement. "Now, how are things going with your parents? Have you reached out to them?"

I sigh, a headache already beginning to form just from the sheer memory. "Yes I called the other day. Now you can stop badgering me."

The conversation comes back to my mind. My mom picked up the phone after the first ring, almost like she'd kept her phone by her side 24/7 awaiting my call. "Summer, sweetie. Oh I'm so glad you called, we were about to come down for the weekend cause we were so worried."

Panic rose through me at the thought "that's not necessary, I promise I'm good." School is the only place that's mine, my sacred territory. If they enter they'll just taint it like they do everything else. God, I feel like such a dick for thinking this way, but it's the truth.

"Melissa, is that Summer?" I hear my dad in the background.

"Yes, I'm talking to her." My mom replies. "Summer, have you been in touch with Theodore? We're so worried about him too. Is he eating? Is he doing all his schoolwork?"

"Theo is fine. He always stays on top of his schoolwork, you know that. Just give him some time to cool down, I'm sure he'll be back home soon enough," I said.

"Ah, you children have become too Americanized." She sucked her teeth. "If I tried pulling any of this when I was young, my mother would have flamed my behind for forty days and forty nights, but I digress."

"Summer, honey how are you doing?" My dad asked.

"Jesus, Ronald, must you breath down my neck like this. can I get some space?" My mom said to him.

"Well you're hogging the phone, how else am I supposed to talk to my daughter?"

"It's my phone, I'll hog it all I want. Or would you like to take this too, like you took my life savings and plunged it down the drain with your restaurant."

"You are a nasty piece of work, woman. May god one day heal your damaged soul cause lord knows I can't," my dad said.

I almost began mentally shutting myself out before I realized how I don't need to deal with this. " If you guys don't stop arguing I'm hanging up and you will not hear from me again for the rest of the semester," I kept my voice steady and stern.

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