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JAKE'S DAYCARE IS twenty minutes away and by the time we rush there, the staff has already closed up for the day

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JAKE'S DAYCARE IS twenty minutes away and by the time we rush there, the staff has already closed up for the day. They look at us through the window and no doubt hesitate to walk to the door with my overall disheveled look and forceful knocking.

"The center is closed for the night. How can I help you?" An older woman crosses her arms, daring us to even attempt any mischief she thinks we might have in mind.

"We know. We're just looking for Kelly. Could we speak to her?" I ask.

At this point Kelly approaches the slightly opened door and peers her head out to see. She smiles at me and turns to the older woman. "He's a friend of Jake's mother. We'll step outside for a minute," she says to the dismay of her disapproving coworker.

When Kelly steps out and shuts the door behind her, she looks at us with curiosity.

"Listen Kelly, this is an emergency. Is Sam here with you or at your place?" I ask.

She shakes her head instantly. "No, Jake didn't come to daycare today and I haven't seen them since Tuesday. Why?"

"I haven't been able to get in contact with her all day. When was the last time you babysat for her?"

"Not since Jake was moved to his dad's. Since she only has visitation right now, she hasn't needed me to babysit and she doesn't do pickups or drop offs anymore," Kelly says. "Is she okay?"

"I have no idea but I'm hoping she is." I blow out a puff of air. "Do you know her friend Jean?"

"Yeah we've hung out a few times."

"Would you mind calling her and seeing if she knows anything?" I have a feeling this will go nowhere too, but I still have to try before I exercise my last option.

Kelly agrees sympathetically and pulls her phone out to call Sam's friend. Jean picks up after the second ring only to confirm what I already knew, she hasn't seen Sam outside of work and has no idea where she could be.

Disappointed, Summer and I thank Kelly for her help and wallow back to my truck.

"Maybe we should just file a police report," Summer says.

I grip the steering wheel, trying to clear my head. "There's one more place I didn't want to say in front of John. From our recent conversation, I'm almost positive that's where we'll find her."

"Well where?" Summer sits up.


"Springfield? The town next to Chester?" She asks.

"Yeah, that's where her parents live. Now I know it's a four and a half hour drive and it's already late, so it's fine if you don't want to come with me."

I'm ready for her to tell me to take her home but a big part of me is hoping she'll want to come with me. I don't hide it in my voice and I don't hide it in the longing look I give her.

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