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I'M GOING TO see Carter today

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I'M GOING TO see Carter today. I feel indifferent about it at best, but I do have something of his and I need to return it.

It's been a week since the charity dinner. The time has allowed me to move on from the sting. What I'm still trying to comprehend is why there was a sting in the first place. Plenty of people have had opinions of me and I've been able to brush plenty of them off, so why is his the one that sticks?

I suppose that doesn't matter because I'll only be seeing him for a few seconds tops. I'll give him his watch and be on my way. The quick exchange will allow me to finally put everything behind and focus on the most important thing in my life, my grades.

I'm doing great in most of my classes, but pharmacology has proven to be the hellhole upperclassmen warned, and professor Kane has proven to be the double-horned devil I imagined, based on her reviews. She's meticulous in all regards and expects nothing less from her students.

Attendance is graded, missing more than three classes leads to a failing grade, no extra credit, no grade curving, three exams throughout the semester but she doesn't provide study guides, hours of homework every week that need to be completed before the deadline to be able to take the exams, and biggest of all, no exceptions.

It's nerve-wrecking. I can't afford to drop the class and I can't afford to fail, so all I can do is study as much as possible. And I will, as soon as I give Carter his watch, but first, I need to see what's going on with Aleena.

She sent me a text half an hour ago: I'm on my way back to our room. Please tell me you're there, we need to talk.

She'd gone out to have breakfast with Nelson, so her vagueness is concerning me.

When she rushes in minutes later, furry winter coat zipped up and flurries of snow clinging to her hair, I'm relieved to see she at least looks fine physically.

"It's snowing like crazy out there." She removes her coat and shoes, sliding onto her bed and under the covers like everything's normal.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Nelson and I broke up. You remember that Heather girl who's name kept popping up on his phone that he swore was just his cousin? Well turns out Nelson is a little cousin fucker because he just told me he got her pregnant." Her voice is steady and calm, completely devoid of any emotion or care considering the huge bomb she just dropped.

"What the hell?" I'm shocked, outraged, and slightly disgusted. Even though I hated Nelson, I would never wish this on my best friend.

"Don't worry, she's not his actual cousin. The baby won't come out with eleven toes and a third eye." She looks up at the ceiling holding her hand to her chest. "That's not even the worst thing that's happened to me today. My leading man, Ryan Sterling, has dropped out of school and hitched a ride to LA because his cousin was roommates with Ari Aster and he's promised him a sizable role in his next A24 horror film. Now I'm out of a boyfriend, I'm out of a great costar, our only understudy has severe stage fright, the play is falling apart, and my career opportunity is down the drain. I won't scream and I won't cry but I will spend the rest of my life in a perpetual state despair and disappointment."

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