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I'VE BEEN NAPPING for five hours apparently

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I'VE BEEN NAPPING for five hours apparently. I don't realize it until I wake up and find Theo sitting at my desk, letting me know he's watched me sleep since he's arrived.

"Why are you here?" I yawn, still groggy and tired.

"Why do you think?" He asks.

The morning comes back to me. Showing up late for my exam, not being admitted in, my life falling apart piece by piece until Cory tried to pick it back up. Cory. Where did he go?

"Cory called me of course, and I rushed down as soon as I could." He perches on the edge of my bed and pats my hair. "Shit happens, Summer, okay? It may feel like the end of the world but there are always things that can be done to mend a situation."

I'm trying to keep my tears in. I don't want to look like a flailing mess and god knows I'm tired of crying, but I can't stop the tears that fall. They only fall for a little bit, though, and my brother is there to wipe it away and ease my nerves.

"Take Cory's help, Summer. It's the least he can do after stringing you along all these years."

"He didn't string me along. We broke up, then redefined our relationship a little before we quit things for good," I say.

"Yeah, I know how you redefined your relationship," Theo says. "You gave him some of your cookie now let him give you some of his and call it an even exchange."

My mouth drops open and at the worst possible moment I'm bursting into laughter. I didn't know I needed it so much at a time like this, but it's proving to be a great medicine.

"Maybe, I'll think about it." I have a lot to think about in regards to Cory's propositions lately.

A few moments later Cory is waltzing back into my room, a bag full of food in hand.

"Didn't even have to go out for this. Lorissa was just walking by and wanted me to have her food," Cory says.

"Who's Lorissa?" Theo and I both ask at the same time.

"Some girl I don't mess with anymore." He says it so nonchalantly I almost believe him.

I don't have much of an appetite, especially when I catch a glance at the name on the paper bag. Bercelli. The Italian restaurant Carter and I were supposed to have our first date at.

It takes some coaxing from Theo and Cory, but I finally take a few bites of pasta just to get them off my back.

Theo has taken it upon himself to stay the next two nights since move out day is Wednesday. Aleena, who spent a few hours in the morning comforting me, will be spending the time with Darren, so she's allowed Theo to take her bed.

After eating, all three of us spend the night watching movies on my laptop. They dote on me, constantly asking if I'm okay and constantly trying to get me something that could make me feel better. I appreciate it but the whole time I can't help being consumed by the hurt of one missing person who should be with me at the moment.

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