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A/N: Sorry for the delay, I've had finals and end of the semester assignments to get through. Please let me know if you've enjoyed this chapter and story as a whole thus far! All feedback and comments are welcomed. Voting helps as well :)

MANNY'S BURGERS IS louder than usual, but that's because the whole team is here tonight

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MANNY'S BURGERS IS louder than usual, but that's because the whole team is here tonight. After hours of trying to solve our way through escape rooms, I learned two things: these dumbasses are the last people I would want to be stranded on an island with, and despite that, they're a super chill group and I enjoyed my time hanging out with them.

We've taken up half the booths and tables in the back area. When I decided to sit next to Ken, Darren, and Chris, I didn't expect to be caught in a heated discussion about a childhood movie series.

"No way was Troy Bolton making it pro. Dude wasn't even D1 potential if we're being honest." Ken argues with a raised voice and exaggerated hand movements.

"Troy was a legend on the court, stop playing. Man was straight fire." Darren's passion comes out in his loud tone just like Ken's.

"He was like 5'6, and shot mid-range jumpers out of a double team. If you recall-" Ken gets up in Darren's face, bobbing his head. "If you recall, in High School Musical 3 the team was one point down at the championship game, Troy had a wide layout, and decided to pass to a player who'd never even been off the bleachers to make the final shot. The only legend he'd be is a legendary bench warmer."

"You're just a hater." Darren sucks his teeth. "Troy had the skills, he had the swag, he had the girls, and he could hop off the court and sing a mean show tune. That's legendary."

"Of course you're up Troy's ass," Chris says, "he's basically you."

"I mean, do we have some similarities? I don't know, I wouldn't go as far as to compare him to me, but thank you for thinking that. I always had a feeling you thought I was sexy, talented, and cool."

"Oh suck my dick." Chris pushes Darren's shoulder, who leans into him and makes a kissing face.

Chris's expression causes me to laugh, because it's exactly how I react to Darren on a daily basis. He's like that festering little brother you want to strangle sometimes, but you also know you would do anything for him.

Coming to Pennwood freshman year and having to acclimate myself to my new surrounding, team, and sobriety was harder than I could imagine. I don't know how much more difficult it would be without this 6'4 smiling goofball who insisted on pushing his way into my life without question or judgement. Today, these guys are all my brothers, but Darren will always hold the title of my favorite.

"So it's two to one." Darren looks over at me. "What's your verdict, Carter? If Troy Bolton was a real player, would he go D1 and make it to the leagues?"

I take a sip of my Coke, feeling like I've been abruptly woken from a nap. "He wouldn't make it," I say, feeling like I'm not properly equipped for the question.

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