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HE'S GOING AS fast as he can. I know he is and I know there's a level of concern on my behalf, but I'm afraid to know the actual percentage. With everything that's happened last night surely getting me back to school in time for my exams is a priority, I just don't think it's a top one.

I could feel his restraint when driving out of the hospital parking lot. His mind and body are with Sam and I'm sure he'd much rather stay with her than make the hours-long journey back to Pennwood.

Me on the other hand, well, I'm freaking out of course. I'd like nothing more than to be instantly transported back to that giant campus so I can sprint my way to the STEM building for my pharmacology exam. Unfortunately that's not humanly possible, so instead, I've been forced to spend the last two hours a shaking nervous wreck.

My fingernails have been bitten down to stumps, my heart is beating so loudly that it feels like it could jump out of my chest at any second, and I'm sweating so profusely that Carter rolls down the windows and then rolls it back up to turn the AC on high.

We were doing great the first two and a half hours. We were making good time in the nearly empty streets and highways of the early morning, then six o'clock came with the start of rush hour and we've gradually had to slow down more and more to accommodate the traffic.

"How far away are we?" I ask Carter for what feels like the hundredth time. I know he's probably annoyed at the question, but I don't care, I have to know.

He says nothing, staring aimlessly at the full highway, going at a painstaking speed of 20 MPH due to the traffic ahead.

I have to ask him two more times before he finally answers. "An hour. It'll probably be more because of traffic," he says, devoid of all emotion and care.

It ticks at me. He knows what that means for me, for my goals. I dropped everything to help him, to comfort him in his time of need and he can't conjure anything to comfort me when he knows I'm in trouble because of him. No suggestion to take any backroads, to find any shortcuts, nothing. Just continuing down the crowded highway moving an inch a mile knowing I'll be doomed from it.

I'm tempted to email professor Kane. To explain myself early in the hopes that she'll take pity on me and excuse my possibly tardiness, but I decide against it. Professor Kane stays true to her rules and the one she always stresses above all else is lateness during exams. She doesn't tolerate it. She offers a five minute grace period but that's it. If you're not in class by 8:05, you're shit out of luck. She thinks it's an unfair distraction to the kids that actually make the effort to wake up and get there on time, plus with the level of difficulty of her tests, you need every last second of the allotted time if you're gonna have any chance of passing anyways.

By the time we get to our campus exit it's 7:50. I've got fifteen minutes to rush to my room, grab my final pharmacology paper, and get to the STEM building.

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