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CARTER DOESN'T LOOK okay. His grip on the steering wheel is hard as he maneuvers his way out of the parking lot and he clenches his teeth, speeding off campus well over the limit.

I could blame this all on Cory, but that wouldn't be fully true, because he's been acting off since we were at Sam's apartment. I heard the whole thing. I've questioned their relationship before and now it feels like more of the dots are connecting.

Sam wants some space, and I think it's causing Carter to go through a sense of loss. It may be bringing up some of the emotions he felt when his mom died.

The hard part is me trying to figure out where to give them space to handle their relationship and where to step in and assure Carter I'm here to support him.

I watch his face with worry and reach over to put his hand in mine and rest it on my lap. His face starts to relax from the action.

"Are you okay, Carter?"

"Cory's a dickhead," he says bluntly.

"He can be sometimes, I won't lie." I agree. "Just know that he's all talk no action. He likes to deliberately say things to get under people's skin and see their reaction. He was mostly messing with you."

"When he asked you to start your arrangement back up, he meant you guys hooking up, right? He wants to hook up with you again in a non joking way. How close are you two again?"

This is a different side of Carter I'm seeing right now. He sounds both nervous and agitated. I have to simmer down the tension because there's nothing to be riled up about when it comes to mine and Cory's situation. Since the night I met Carter there's been no one else.

"Carter Enrique Reyes, are you jealous right now?"

"Enrique? Where did you get that from, I told you my middle name was Luis." His tone and face softens just as I hoped it would, and it even holds a hint of amusement.

" Haven't I told you before? You look like a sexy latin music star." I reach over and pinch his cheek earning his smile back.

"You keep me on my toes, you know," he says, "but I'm still gonna need to redirect us back to the Cory situation. I'm your boyfriend, I have the right to know."

I blow a breath knowing he's right. This is reasonable. He's not an overly paranoid insecure man like my ex Liam, who'd be filled with so much rage at me talking to another guy that he'd spend hours berating me. Thank god he transferred last year.

"Yes he wanted us to hook up again and obviously I didn't. We don't talk often. We haven't talked or hung out much since the semester started. It's mostly short greetings and well wishes. Like I said before, we've known each other for a while and our families are close so he's going to pop up now and then but I have no feelings for him, we haven't been intimate in ages. I want monogamy and commitment, two things Cory will has no interest in offering so you have nothing to worry about."

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