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I LIKE HER, I'll admit it.

I don't just want a friendship with Summer, I want something with her I've never had with anyone else. It's an unnerving thought yet the admission brings a sense of easiness to me.

I'm trying to focus on the stretch of the road, following her clear directions to her secret destination, but with every chance I get, I turn my head to catch as many glances of her as I can.

Something is bothering her, I can just tell from her quietness. I'll let her tell me if and when she wants. Right now, it looks like she just wants a distraction away from school.

"You see that big tree down there? You can park right over there." Summer points.

We've been taking back roads since getting off the highway. Dirt and grass filled roads that created a bumpy journey, with trees and bushes lining our view.

When I pull up to the spot she points at, I see it. It's a small lake, almost completely hidden by the trees that surround it until you get close enough.

It's gotten significantly warmer the last week, so warm that you wouldn't have guessed we'd just overcome a big snow storm only seven days ago. The lake, which was probably frozen solid, has just come back alive.

Summer hops out and I follow suit, letting her lead the way.

We walk down a slightly elevated hill and take a seat on top of a wooden picnic table. Despite the fact that the wood looks old and withered and the table looks like it hasn't been used in decades, it still holds up well to our weight.

"I like to come here when I can, you know. When things get to be too much and I need some air." Her voice has this sombre weakness to it while her eyes stay glued to the body of water.

I slide my sore hands into the pockets of my hoodie, slowly, giving the chill atmosphere another look around. "I see why. How did you find it?"

"My friend, Aleena, borrowed her boyfriends car freshman year. We were suppose to go to the movies, but she got lost and ended up driving around for a while until we accidentally stumbled upon this area," she says. "We've been coming back ever since."

"Do you drive?" I ask, focusing on her side profile and the way a tendril of her curly hair parts from the rest and flings up and down from the breeze.

"No," she snorts, "driving looks terrifying, I get scared enough being in the passenger seat."

"Oh come on, it's not that bad." I nudge her shoulder. "I could teach you one day if you wanted."

"With the way you whip that wheel I don't think you'd be much of a teacher," she says.

"I whip that wheel because I'm an expert. You have to be a little rough with them sometimes, show them who's boss."

"Are we still talking about cars?" She laughs.

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