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WE APPROACH HIM with our bags slung over our shoulders and fatigue slowing our speed

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WE APPROACH HIM with our bags slung over our shoulders and fatigue slowing our speed. I glance around the dark neighborhood Carter grew up in, and it doesn't take long for me to notice I've entered a completely different tax bracket.

Rows upon rows of McMansions line the block all sporting perfectly cut lawns and driveways filled with high class cars.

Carter's dad is tall. Not quite as tall as his son, but he's not far off. He looked intimidating from the car and now that I'm close enough to take him in fully, I find him even more intimidating.

I know where Carter gets his scowl from.

The deep lines of his forehead wrinkles are pronounced from his furrowed brows. He has the same beauty mark near his upper lip, and an identical angular jawline that's still pronounced despite his loosen skin. He even has the same head of dark curls, the only difference is his has streaks of grey towards the front.

"Carter, my son," he says like he has to remind himself of his son's name and title. He drops his tough look while he watches us come up the steps of the front door and a hint of a smile starts to form on his face. It stays just a hint and doesn't expand to anything greater. I can see it doesn't come naturally, this is him putting in effort.

Carter sounds pained when he responds "Hi." He doesn't meet his dad's eye no matter how much the old man tries to catch it.

"And this is your girlfriend, you say?" He ushers us in and locks the door. "I didn't know you ever had one."

Carter purses his lips tight and I know he's close to dropping a sly comment, so I step in to deter any possible drama tonight.

"Mr. Reyes, it's so nice to meet you." I hold my hand out and smile wide.

He takes my hand and nods a approval at my firm shake. He's in business mode down to the dress shirt and slacks he's still wears at this hour of the night. "Nice to meet you, Summer, and welcome to my home. It's great to have you and Carter here for the week."

Mr. Reyes looks to his son to say something and when Carter remains quiet, he sighs and focuses back on me. "Well, it's late and you two look tired so I'll send you off to bed and we can get to know each other better in the morning. You can stay in Carter's room tonight, I don't mind since Jen is asleep but for the rest of the week, you'll need to stay in the guest room. Jen is very picky about not sharing rooms until you're married."

"I don't know why that's any of her concern," Carter rolls his eyes.

I cut him off and assure his dad. "It's no problem, I'm fine with taking the guest room. You have a beautiful home."

I not lying about the last part, this house makes mines look like a shack.

Shiny dark wood covers the floors and compliments the lively color scheme of the house. The living room is spacious. A grand piano sits to the side and a long brown couch takes up a good amount of space in the middle. There's a flat screen tv over top of the marble fireplace and giant portrait of the last supper sits on wall besides it.

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