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I'VE FUCKED UP, I know I have

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I'VE FUCKED UP, I know I have.

Despite my best intentions, despite my best efforts, things have blown up right before my eyes once again.

I'm on the brink of panic, but with each effort my worst enemy makes to rise to the surface, I've been able to shoot it back down. This could still be fixed, this situation could still be salvageable. I just need to find Sam and Jake in one piece.

I don't even notice how hard I've been gripping the steering wheel until I look down at my now red knuckles. I slam my fist against the wheel, honking my horn in a long and drawn out roar to get the stupid person in front of me to stop driving like an idiot.

"I got into her Icloud," Summer says, eyes focused on my laptop that's seated steadily on her lap.

"Let me know if you find anything." I keep my focus on the road, finally growing tired enough of the driver in front to swerve to the right lane to overtake them.

"It says her phone's current location is at her apartment," she says.

I nod, already pulling into the parking lot of her place. It makes sense to check here first.

Summer closes my laptop as soon as I park and we both jump out of my truck and hurry towards the front entrance. She grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze, helping my tempers from flaring even more.

It was an impulsive move, begging her to come with me. Like many hard times I've had this semester, I just naturally wanted her by my side.

I don't think I wanted to shut her out before because she didn't understand our situation, I think a part of me was responding purely in panic. It's one thing to hear about our struggles with sobriety in the past tense, but to hear the stories and see an addict in play, it's a hard sight and it can be very draining. I was afraid letting her in so much would burden her with more trauma. I love this about her, but Summer has a tendency to be a little too empathetic, a little too willing to put others before her well-being. I didn't even know those were my reasons before, it's just now dawned on me.

Tonight though, selfishly, I need her support. I feel guilty seeing how invested she is, seeing how worried she is for Sam and my wellbeing. Just for tonight, I tell myself. Things will be better after we get to her.

John is pacing by the entrance when we walk up in a full navy suit. His hand is covering his mouth and he pauses when he gets a look at me, venom filling his gaze.

"Where the hell is my son, huh? Are you two colluding to play some type of game with me, do you think this is a fucking game?" He hits my chest with his finger repeatedly.

His distress surprises me and I take a second to remain quiet and take it in.

"Hey, calm down. Let's not say or do anything we'll regret." Summer steps up with her small self like she's ready to lay John out if he lays another finger on me. God, she's adorable.

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