☾ #1 The curse-bearer of Levallois

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Vanitas' POV:

Like almost every morning, I sit on the roof of the Hôtel Chouchou and watch the sun slowly rise into the cloudy sky. It should be around 11 o'clock by now, but Noé is sleeping like a log - not even in his bed anymore. If he doesn't wake up in time for Dante to come in with new clues, I'll just go by myself. After a few remaining minutes of staring into the slowly fading dawn, I heard soft voices - probably from Noé or Amelia - from our room. About time too, after all I've been waiting here for several hours until the white-haired vampire finally wakes up from his beauty sleep.. After a few minutes I slowly climb back into the room to greet the archivist...? or something like that. "Gwood Mworning Wanitwas.." he murmurs, to which I only reply a short "morning". The fanged sleepyhead stands - or rather sits up and puts on his white trench coat with his white gloves, white trousers and white boots. How he can put it on clean again and again is a mystery to me. I suddenly feel a funny pricking on my right lower leg and when I look down to see what's causing the pricking, I see my roommate's white cat scratching my nice black pants. As soon as I notice that Noé's cat is only up to pranks again, I push him away with my foot. A few seconds later, there's a knock at the door.. "Hopefully it's the baldie, he's late anyway" I said to myself - after all, Noé wasn't quite operational yet.. he's only been awake for almost 5 minutes - and opened it the door. Actually it was Dante, but he had a black eye? "Did you fight again, Baldie?" I asked him with a slight smile, "Well, never mind, do you have any news about the curse bearer in Levallois?" Dante rolled his eyes annoyed and replied to my two questions: "Well firstly, no I didn't, it was actually the bearer of the curse. And secondly, yes I did, I have the approximate location, but you should hurry, Johann and Riche ambush him, I don't want one, or both will die Quack." I looked over my shoulder, Noé looks relatively awake, finally. I grabbed Noé's wrist and pulled him towards Dante, who unleashed his little electric bat. Dante runs ahead, I pull Noé with me and stay - of course still with the Archiviste - close behind Dante.

At the same time in Levallois:
Johann's POV:

Riche and I stay close and quickly hide in a small alley next to an abandoned store. "Looks bad if Dante and Vanitas don't hurry up.." Riche replied worried. "Don't worry Riche, I'm sure Dante hurries up, he wouldn't just let us down would he?" I tried to calm her down.. I'm a bit scared myself, but not nearly as much as Riche. We hear a soft hiss from the feline curse-bearer. "He's close.." Riche whispers. I felt a warm breath on the back of my neck "Dante?" I asked cautiously. All I got in response was a mixture of a hiss and a growl. "T..the curse bearer! Behind you!" I am as good as dead.

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