☾ #3 Desire for blood

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What if I just...

Noe's POV:

I slowly approach Vanitas, which is why I catch a suspicious look from Vanitas' turquoise-blue eyes. Does he know what I'm up to? "I warn you again, Archiviste. Touch my blood and I'll kill you." hissed the member of the blue moon in a coldness that I last heard during the incident with Mikhail and Dominique.. "You can suckle your de Sade, but not me. Look into my memories and you are dead." His words repeat in my mind, but I push them away and pin him against the wall, only to bar his pale shoulder and bite down. I'm slowly digging into his memories, I can still hear Vanitas complaining loudly, but I don't care at the moment. I'm fed up with hardly knowing anything about the Vampire Doctor and Constantly getting tortured smelling his sweet blood without even trying it. The taste of his blood is exceptionally sweet, almost like drinking pure sugar. I slowly delve deeper and deeper into the black haired man's past, seeing him being abused by Doctor Moreau, being rescued by the Vampire of the Blue Moon and most of what I had already seen in Misha's memories. When I "come to myself" again, I look at him. He has a stronger blush on his cheeks, but still has his angry - or rather defiant - face. Didn't it bother him? Wrong thought, because after a few seconds I already feel his palm caressing my cheek. "What was that?!" I opened my mouth to answer him, but was quickly stopped by his dagger at my neck. "Vanitas, I'm sorry, but it was torture smelling your blood every day without being allowed to taste it!" I try to explain what seems to have worked as he slowly withdraws his dagger. "I'm sorry about what happened to you, Vanitas.." I expected an angry reply, but he surprisingly hugged me. I carefully place a hand on the back of his head and stroke his long black hair. "I'll take care of you, I promise you, Vani.." Shortly afterwards I feel him slowly getting heavier and leaning more against me "Vanitas?" did he fall asleep? I pick him up carefully, careful not to accidentally wake him up, and put him on his bed. He's cute when he sleeps.. what am I thinking?

Creator Note:
Hey you dear (few) readers :)
I'm very sorry if not everything is as understandable as it should be, I'm not that proud of this chapter myself ^^'

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