☾ #10 Forgiveness

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He bites his lip nervously and guiltily and mumbles a quiet 'I'm sorry'. "Excuse me? I didn't understand you." My deep blue eyes almost eat into his ultraviolet eyes.

Vanitas POV:

Several weeks - if not months - have passed since our argument and we have barely spoken. In between we exchanged ideas about small things, but our conversations never lasted long. As soon as Noé tries to approach me, I reject him. I don't want to risk anything for now, friends quickly become enemies, don't they?I'm aware that I'm hurting him. I wouldn't say it's my intention, but after all he hurt me first, didn't he? If he wants me to forgive him, he should try too!

About 4 days later, a cloudy Friday afternoon

A dull, quiet knock on the front door of the hotel. I'm the only one in the room. Noé enters the hotel, but unlike usual he doesn't ignore me, he comes towards me? "Listen, Vanitas... I wanted to apologize again... I didn't mean it and I didn't want it to escalate like that... I just want it over with!" my body freezes. He has apologized many times before... but this is the first time that it really sounds like he means it! His eyes have something... trustworthy in them, something guilty and something apologetic. I nod slightly in response, his eyes sparkling.

Noé's POV:

I can't believe Vanitas has finally accepted my apology! I place my hand gently on his chin, lift his head slightly - which is quickly blushing - and place my lips carefully on his. It doesn't take long for him to respond, I put my other hand on the back of his head and he clutches my upper body. After we both pull away he gasps slightly, which makes me smile. His jet-black strands hang over his face, which I brush away with a careful movement, revealing his red cheeks. "Cuddly.." I murmur as I stroke his pink lips. Vanitas moves his head away in embarrassment and mumbles incomprehensibly. My hand strokes his heated cheek, his reaction is just a pout. Unsure, I uncover his neck and move closer. Since Vanitas doesn't show any negative reaction, I place my lips on his neck, causing me to feel his fast and furious heartbeat. My hand moves to his chest to better feel his heartbeat. My fangs slowly sink into his soft skin and I taste his sweet blood directly on my tongue. It's always perfect, his blood, everything about him is perfect. I slowly start to drink his blood, still paying attention to his condition. After about 2 minutes I let go and stroke Vanita's back soothingly.

Vanitas POV:

My lower lip is trembling and my heart is beating like crazy, I'm gasping for air, I'm excited, what is this vampire doing to me... a quiet "Noé.." escapes my lips, whereupon a cheeky grin spreads across his face. This idiot... but he's my idiot and I love him... he drives me crazy. He kisses my forehead gently, butterflies spread in my stomach, a smile creeps onto my lips. I kiss him again, the kiss becomes deeper, more intense, better with every second. I look into his oriental red eyes, he looks into mine. His warm fingers stroke the bite wound, which gives me slight goosebumps. "You're my idiot, Noé.." I mumble against his shoulder, in response I get a light giggle from him.. so damn cute! I ruffle his white hair with a big smile on my lips.


672 words ☆

Really sorry for the - way too long - break, I've been struggling a lot with my mental problems + school over the last few months, I didn't really feel like writing about it. However, I will try to write more again, and write longer parts again!

One other small thing: would you be interested in other 'books' than fan fiction? Something like your own stories, for example, if you understand what I mean ^^

(as always, im sorry if the Translation doesnt always make sense, im using Google Translate since im kind of too lazy to translate it sentence to sentence!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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