☾ #9 Love Chaos ☆

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"Come in, Vanitas."

Vanitas' POV:

I follow Jeanne to her room. It is really nicely decorated, gray walls and red and white furniture. It suits her.. "Are you hungry?" she asks curiously. I shake my head.. I just ate. She smiles at me and comes a little closer to me. What is she up to? She pulls me to the ground and giggles "What could we do.." she mumbles to herself. Suddenly her eyes light up "May I braid your hair?" she asks shyly. I answered her with a nod and not even a second later she starts unbuttoning my hair and braiding it. "I'll look like a girl after that..." I whisper, embarrassed. Just like he did when I met him.. the first time in Moreau's lab.. no, I should forget that right away.. "Is something? You're so thoughtful." listen to her sweet voice. "Yeah.. it's fine, I was just a bit lost in thought." I answer her perilous question. After that there was an awkward silence.

Time flies.. meanwhile about an hour has passed, Jeanne has finished braiding Vanitas hair.

We're in the middle of a conversation right now. "Tell me.. did you hear about Doctor Moreau's vampire research?" it came out of me She's been with Lord Ruthven since she was a little kid and a Borreau.. Doctor Moreau was with the Chasseurs.. maybe she knows something? "Doctor.. who? No.. I'm sorry, I've never heard that name before, Vanitas" she speaks, slightly disappointed that she couldn't answer me positively. "I see.. it was just a short train of thought anyway, didn't really matter" I explained to her. "Well then.. then it's good!" she smiles.. her smile looks like the sunshine that lights up the sky during the day.. no.. that's what I should think about Noé.. no.. he didn't value me either! It will be fine there.. how is he doing? "...Vanitas! Finally.. what's going on? You're so deep in thought that you didn't even hear me!" she mentions, clearly concerned. "I'm just thinking about Noé.. I had an argument with him and he was so dismissive.. I'm afraid he'll leave me.." I literally gushed out. I don't owe her an explanation, I know that, but I think she has a right to know what's going on between and. "I see.. if he really dumps you, I'll be there for you!" her cheeks blush slightly as she says this sentence.. she really is there for me.. she's not lying.. but would Noé really just leave me like that? Suddenly I feel an uncomfortable pressure on my shoulders, Jeanne pushes me to the ground. The white-haired female vampire sinks her fangs into my throat and slowly drinks my blood. "J-Jeanne! What is that?!" My body is paralyzed, I can't move. She lets go, her face is close to my face. Very close. So close that I can feel her warm breath on my cheek. "I'll prove to you that I'll always be there for you, Vanitas..." Her pink, full lips approach mine. I hear footsteps, and then the door, just as Jeanne presses her lips to mine. My body is in shock, my arms and legs won't move an inch, and try as I can, I can't get a word out of my throat. "Jeanne, Vanitas, what is that?!" my eyes widen.

It's Noé's voice.

Jeanne slowly pulls away from me. "I'm showing vanitas what true love is, and I'm showing him that I'm there for him, unlike any other vampire!" she hisses. He grabs her, yanking her off me and forcibly pinning her against the wall, his claws digging lightly into her throat. "Didn't you see my mark, Borreau? He's mine." he growls. "So what? I tagged him too, even in front of you!" she snaps back. "Nevertheless, he loves me and I love him." he defends himself. "After what you did, I don't know if you really love him!" she remarks in a harsh tone. "You know nothing, absolutely nothing, you are an emotional, useless Borreau!" he screams. I can feel warm tears rolling down my cheek. They should stop arguing.. "Stop.." I mumble. "I deserve him a lot more!" she growls. "That's what you're thinking too, what have you ever done for him?! You're only there when you need blood or have other plans!" he growls back.

You guys should finally stop. Why is nobody listening to me?

"Stop it!" this time I'll be louder. My face is now wet with tears and my cheeks are completely wet. Both fall silent immediately. "Vanitas I-" begins Noé. "Be quiet, it happened because of you!" Jeanne grumbles. "Because of me? I don't kiss what's not mine!" he growls at her. It reminds me of the fights in the lab... that kept me from sleeping...

Why is nobody taking me seriously here?!

I silently reach for my book and paralyze both of them so that they are unable to speak or move. "Are you finally listening to me now?" I sob. I don't want to cry, but my tears flow without my being able to control them. I am no longer the conductor of my emotions, I can no longer control them. "It's both your fault! I came here because of you, Noé.. why don't you just say it if something bothers you?! Did I do something that hurt you, that upset you?" I look deep into his violet eyes. Innocent violet meets a piercing blue. "And you Jeanne, just kissed me like that, for no reason, without my wanting it! I understand that you are jealous, but I'm happy with him, with Noé! No.. I'm not only happy.. I love him ! And he knows that, and I know that, we love each other, we just didn't want to admit it before! Our eyes have always spoken for and, our looks have said everything!" I take a deep breath. That was a lot.. a lot of talk.. I'm breaking the paralysis. My breathing caught from all the drama and fighting.. "I'm.. sorry, Vanitas.. I was just a bit concerned about Dominique.. I was afraid she wouldn't accept me or even end the friendship.. I wanted to don't put yourself under so much stress, sorry..." mumbles Noé guiltily. "No, Noé.. I shouldn't have freaked out right away.. it was my fault too.." Jeanne suddenly spoke up. "I was too aggressive.. I shouldn't have taken you by surprise, I may have put your relationship at risk.. I'm sorry." I smile "Its Oka-" I was about to reply, but Noé interrupted me. "That's good, because it's mostly your fault that everything has turned out so badly here!" he grumbled. Jeanne clearly kept herself under control. Noé will experience something when we get to the hotel.. "It's okay, Jeanne. Noé, we're going." Staring Noé in the eyes, I grab his sleeve and drag him back to Hotel Chouchou. I pin it to the wall there. He looks at me questioningly. "She apologized! I know it was a little too much that she kissed me, but she apologized!" I hiss while consciously maintaining eye contact. He tries to flee my eye contact like a little lamb from a wolf. He bites his lip nervously and guiltily and mumbles a soft 'Sorry'. "Excuse me? I didn't understand you." My deep blue eyes almost eat into his ultraviolet eyes.

1263 words ☆

I hope you enjoyed this — today somewhat longer — chapter. I'll probably release longer chapters like this more often in the future, but not always, depending on my motivation. I guess I'll mark the longer chapters with a star (☆) so you know which are long and which are short (and so I have a better overview).



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