The Other Man - Gerry Kennedy

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The pub was crowded with bustling, boisterous individuals, calling over one another with drink orders, laughs, and loud chats.

It was a perfect distraction.

I drew my straw into my mouth, sucking the bitter liquid up as if it were the only hope I had to forget the thoughts on my mind.

"Let me buy your next one," spoke a voice from my right. I flashed a grateful smile at the handsome gentleman, turning my body to face him slightly.

"I appreciate it, but you don't have to do that."

The man narrowed his eyes playfully, a smirk spreading across his lips.

"A beautiful woman like you should never have the opportunity to pay for drinks, not if there's a gentleman around."

My cheeks burned slightly.

I was attracted to him, no doubt about it. He was very handsome, and I liked his persistence, although he wasn't really all that persistent, since I was giving into him after he called me beautiful.

Deep down, I knew it was wrong of me to enjoy this man's attention, but what could it hurt? If I let him buy me a couple drinks and nothing else, we weren't doing anything wrong.

Guilt ignited in my stomach, but I ignored it.

"One drink."

I knew it would be dangerous to give this man an inch, but I somehow wouldn't mind giving him the whole mile...or however that saying goes.

But giving him the mile would be wrong, so letting him have the inch was just as wrong.

Then maybe this was less than an inch, more of maybe...a centimetre?

I tried to reason with myself, but all the oscillating ended when a new drink was placed before me.

It would be okay to enjoy this man's company...if it was just drinks.

"The name's Gerry," he said with his lips still turned in a smirk, reaching his hand out. I grasped his hand gingerly, shaking it, then wrapped my hand around my glass on the bar.

The guilt returned.


Gerry and I had been friends for about a month. He asked me to dinner when we were at the bar, and I sheepishly told him I had a boyfriend. His light smile went away as he nodded, but we agreed to be friends.

"Hey love, are you ready to go?"

I pried myself from the bathroom mirror, not quite satisfied with my mascara, but not wanting Jim to wait any longer than I had already made him. Jim was a very patient man, so I hated to take advantage of it.

"Yep! I'll just pop my earrings in, and we can leave!"

I hurriedly looked around the bathroom counter.

Where were those earrings? I had just had them.

Jim entered the bathroom with a light smile, obviously assessing my outfit. He came up behind me, watching as I found my earrings.

"Gorgeous," he said softly, wrapping his arms around my middle as I leaned into the mirror. He placed his nose on the back of my head, inhaling deeply. "And you smell so good."

My stomach nearly revolted.

I had made Jim aware many times of my need for space while trying to get ready.

It wasn't that he was gross or weird or mean, I just simply didn't like the affection he constantly showed me. All he wanted to do was touch me, hold me, caress me. He followed me around like a lost puppy.

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