Interviews Can Be Fun 📸 Gerard Butler

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Requested by- @Sarah-The-Fan

I'm so sorry it took so long! I hope you like it!


Gerard sat nervously on the sofa, fidgeting his fingers. I sat next to him and took his hands into mine, giving him a gentle smile.

"You know, you don't have to do the interview if you don't feel like it," I said. I gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Don't worry, love. I'll be fine," Gerard said, giving me a small smile.

I sighed. I would let it go for the moment.

"Gerard, Sarah! You're up!"

Gerard and I stood.

"Come on, my love. I'm with you all the way," I said, rising from the sofa. Gerard followed me as we waited for the host to call us on. He took my hand in his.

"Here to promote their upcoming film is Gerard and Sarah!" Jimmy Kimmel called. Gerry and I stepped out of the blue doors. Since Gerry was first, he shook Jimmy's hand first. Then, I shook Jimmy's hand. We seated ourselves, smiling at the audience.

"Welcome to the show!" Jimmy started, smiling widely.

"Thanks for having us," I said, smiling in return.

"So, I want to talk about your upcoming film. What's it about?" Jimmy asked, leaning toward us with interest apparent in his features.

"Basically, Sarah's character is a single mother, and I'm the kid's teacher," Gerard said.

"The kid sets us up," I added.

"Wow! Is there anything about the movie viewers should know before watching it?" Jimmy asked.

"Not that I'm aware of. Oh! Bring tissues and an extra pair of knickers! You'll laugh so hard that you pee and cry," I added. Jimmy's eyebrows rose.

"Wow! So, everyone go check out their film! It comes out on February 20th!" The audience cheered.

"I was talking to you, Gerard, the other day, and you said that there was something you wanted to do on the show. So, go ahead!" Jimmy said, leaning back in his chair.

Gerard looked at me, a nervous expression on his face. He stood up, and he dug something out of his pocket. Then, he got on one knee in front of me, holding out a black velvet box. He opened the box to reveal the simple yet sophisticated diamond ring inside.

I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand.

"Sarah, when I first saw your gorgeous long hair and cute little freckles, I knew that you would be the one for me. I love you, baby, with all my heart. Please allow me to love you for the rest of our days, until death us do part. Will you please marry me?" Gerard asked. I nodded frantically, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Yes! I'll marry you!" Gerard smiled.

"May I?" He asked, holding up the ring. I held out my left hand. He slipped the ring onto my finger. Gerry leaned up and pressed his lips to mine. When we broke away, he and I were smiling like goons.

Gerry stood, facing the "aww"ing audience.

"She said yes!"

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