Café Magic ✨ Gerard Butler

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For BrendaDaaeDestler , who needs to be cheered up.


The café was small. It was warm and homey.

When Brenda opened the door, the rich scent of the aromatic coffee beans invaded her nose. She welcomed the warm, inviting scent.

To get her mind off things, she ordered a coffee and a chocolate chip muffin. She paid and received her items, then sat down in a small booth in the corner of the café. There, she allowed her feelings to rise from within her. She began to cry.

She buried her face into her arms, softly sobbing.

It was then a warmth enveloped her as a person slid into the booth beside her, their cologne making its way into her nostrils.

Brenda inhaled deeply, finding the scent alluring and soothing.

"What on this planet is so awful it made such a strong, beautiful woman cry?" The man asked, causing Brenda to raise her head up.

"W-who are you?" She asked shakily, vision blurred by tears.

The man chuckled beside her, surprised to find her unknowing of his identity.

"You can call me Gerry, lass."

At this, Brenda perked up. She recognised his voice and name.

"Gerard Butler?"

"Indeed, lass. Now, what's made you cry?"

"I'm just...not having a good week. A lot's going on right now. It's—"

"—No need to say more. I know just the solution."

Gerard took Brenda by the hand and gently pulled her out of the booth.

"Where are we going?" Brenda asked, confusion written across her features.

"We're going here," Gerard said, leading her into a park, to a bench by the pond.

Brenda felt her emotional aches fade into a numbness. Gerard was truly the solution to her problems, but she would never share such a thing with him.

"Whatdya think, lass?"

"The ducks are cute," Brenda responded, not really thinking about the ducks.

"Indeed. Do you feel better now?" Gerard asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her a little closer to him.

"Much better."

Gerard Butler ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now