Soon to be Mrs.💍 Gerard Butler

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Gerard carefully opens the door to the flat, noticing moving boxes to the side of it.

"Love?" He calls cautiously, ensuring that it is I who resides in his flat.

"Hey babe! I'm in your kitchen!" I call, pouring a glass of milk. I place the milk into the fridge and turn to reach for my glass. Gerry intercepts my moves with his strong arm. He hands the glass of liquid to me.

"So you finally brought your stuff over, eh?" He asks in that loveable, Scottish accent of his. His lips curl into a smirk.

"That I did! I brought in what I could carry. The heavy stuff is still outside. My brother had to bring it up," I say, "he didn't bring it in because Sarah had an ultrasound appointment he was late for."

Gerry nods, his irritatingly handsome smirk still apparent.

"You do realise what it means, you know, now that you're moving in, right?" He asks. Confused, I raise an eyebrow.

"That we live together now?" I ask, unsure of what he means.

"Not just that, love. Think on it," he says, reaching into his back pocket. I place my milk on the counter behind me and face him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Now that you're moving in, I think it's time we get married," Gerry says. My eyes widen, a smile slowly spreading across my face. He holds out a simple diamond ring.

"Okay," I say, uncrossing my arms. Gerry's smirk turns into a breathtaking smile. He gently takes my hand and slides the ring onto my finger. He presses a kiss to my knuckles.

"Come on, love. Let's move the rest of your boxes in so we can celebrate," Gerry says, dropping my hand. I smile, watching his broad back head to the door. I am such a lucky gal.

Gerard Butler ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now