Une bebie 🤱🏻 Gerard Butler

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Thank you BrendaDaaeDestler for coming up with this for me! This is for you, mia sorella!

Also, the French above is wrong. I know. It's not supposed to be correct.


Brenda cradles her protruding stomach with one hand, tightly gripping the railing of the staircase with the other.

Gerard stands at the end of the stairs, rolling his eyes with a smile.

"I told you to call for me when you wanted to come down," He scolds lightly, taking her hand as she finally steps onto the first floor.

"Yeah, well, you know how I am," Brenda says, worn out from descending the flight of stairs. 

"Sweetie, you could get hurt, and if you get hurt, our little one could be hurt as well," he says, placing his hand over her stomach. He smiles softly, then gives Brenda a peck on her nose.

"Come on, to the kitchen," he says, wrapping an arm around her waist and helping her waddle along into a chair at the kitchen table.

"Are you okay?" Gerard asks a breathless Brenda.

"I'm exhausted, but I'll be fine," she answers. Gerard nods, seating himself at the table as well.


"Hey, hon! Come meet your son," Brenda says to Gerard quietly, so as to not waken the sleeping infant. Gerard grins widely, running his thumb over the peachy fuzz atop the babe's head.

"He looks just like you," Brenda says, admiring her cooing baby. Gerard chuckles softly.

"Let's hope he has a wee bit of his beautiful mother in him, otherwise he'll look like Godzilla," Gerard jokes. Brenda gives him a look, before turning her gaze back to the small bundle in her arms.

"Gerry, you're extremely sexy, so stop," Brenda admits, shuffling the baby into its father's arms. Gerard doesn't pay her statement any attention, as his gaze is occupied with their small, sleeping son, cradled in his arms.

"Hello there, Milo, this is daddy," Gerard softly tells the babe. Brenda nearly weeps. The sight of the father and son before her is so beautiful and touching.

"You want to call him Milo?" She asks softly, her eyes tearing up. Gerard takes her reaction  as a rejection to the name.

"I just—I mean, we don't have to—"

"It's perfect," Brenda says, scooting next to Gerry and giving him a small peck on his cheek.

"Our little Milo Butler," she says, smiling softly.

Brenda carefully rubs her thumb along the top of the baby's head.

"Baby Milo Butler."

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