Bite Me - Dracula

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Warning: it does get slightly sensual toward the end


"Jeremy, the security is not as advanced as that of the Vatican. Work faster."

The blond man swallowed thickly, nodding as he typed faster.


I sighed.

"What, Clark? What's wrong now?" I implored, turning to face the lanky ginger who had finished studying the vault.

Clark was one to express his worries in a straightforward, albeit annoying manner. He was the only one to voice his doubts, and he was always wrong. It grated my nerves.

"What if we don't find him?"

I closed my eyes tightly, balling my fists at my side.

I took a deep breath to abate my annoyance. It would do no good to walk into this vault with any sort of blatant weakness. I needed to be on guard. I needed to be ready for whatever or whomever I would find.

"Even if we don't find him, there will be a vampire in there."

Clark nodded once, returning to the vault.

We had planned this for months. We had scoped out the building over thirty times, making sure there were no air pockets in our plan. Our plan had to work, otherwise havoc would be bestowed upon the world.

"Boss, I'm in!" Jeremy called out.

I took one more breath. It was show time.


Clark studied the coffin curiously, noting the various crucifixes, scratches and other details scattered across it.

"How do we know it's him?" Clark asked, squatting down to get a closer look. I frowned at the man.

"The only way to know is to look inside," I responded, circling the coffin.

I had managed to evade several booby traps inside the vault with little but a scratch. We managed to manoeuvre the coffin out, blowing a hole through the cinderblock wall—you'd think they would've learned from the last time someone broke into the vault. The coffin was loaded into the back of our truck and brought to the VPS—Vampire Protection Squad—headquarters.

The Vampire Protection Squad sought out vampires all over the world, bringing them in to protect them from humans as well as teach them ways to better assimilate into human society. With headquarters in London, Stockholm, Mumbai, Namibia, Wellington, San Juan, and Washington DC, we were able to devote our time to specific areas of the world with little hinderance and only occasional overlap with members of other headquarters.

Jeremy blanched, pushing himself away from the wall with his boot. Clark and I eyed him carefully.

"If this is the Dracula you think it is, he is the most dangerous vampire we've ever dealt with, and he will be extremely elusive. You're just going to look inside the coffin? He could kill the three of us in less than a heartbeat."

I frowned at the blond, who had never spoken to me in this manner before. Somehow I managed to not find distaste in his words.

"Jeremy, we have measures to put in place prior to opening the coffin. These will protect us. This room dampens his powers, so he can't use them to escape. If he were any other vampire, I would say go ahead and open it up, but because I am sure this is Dracula, we are going to be extra cautious," I explained.

Clark and Jeremy set to work finishing the preparations for Dracula. They were silent as they did so, and I knew they were nervous. I was nervous as well, but I was the confident leader...I didn't have time to be nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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