Not So Little

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"Don't start panicking now! We haven't begun to walk down the aisle yet!"

"I can't help it! What if he's not there?"

"Sweetie, he'll be there, otherwise he's got something else coming for him."

"Dad, you're not helping."

"Cheer up. He'll be there. That man loves you with his heart, soul, and everything else he can love you with."

"What if he—"

"Enough with the 'what ifs' already! That man will do anything to make you happy. He'll do anything to see you smile. He'll do whatever it takes for you to understand how much he loves you. He'll be at the end of the aisle. Trust me. Now then, cheer up! This is a wedding, not a funeral. You look like you're going to see your dead uncle."


"Don't start."

"No, I was just going to say that I love you."

"I love you too, pumpkin. Now, come on. It's your time to shine."

She gives him a peck on the cheek and takes his hand, a nervous smile on her face.

"Dad, before we go, I just want to say that no matter what happens, I'll still be your little girl. Okay? I'll never stop. No man will change that."

"I know, pumpkin. Come on. He's waiting."

The man walks his daughter down the aisle, holding back tears as he realises that by letting her marry this young man, he's letting her go.

And so, before he hands her off to the groom, he gives her a big hug, holding back sobs.

He seats himself next to me, taking my hand in his.

"She's growing up."

"I know, dear. I know."

"She's not my little girl anymore."

"She's still your little girl, just in a big girl body. Gerry, he'll take good care of her. I know it. That boy won't let a thing stand in the way of her happiness."

"I know."

And with that, the wedding commences.

Gerard Butler ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now