Chapter 10 - Charlotte

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The sound of two swords clashing against each other is the only sound that can be heard from the two people in the garden in front of me. Otherwise the birds sing loud and proud from their designated trees as it was the middle of spring, my birthday nearing and no sign of rain in sight these days.

Two siblings, brother and sister, wore similar outfits on them today. Light coloured pair of pants, a thick belt that leads up to their waist and a white shirt tucked into it, creating the silhouettes of hourglasses on both of them. I couldn't decide whose waist looked smaller because the two had similar builds.

Although when I looked closely, Alexandra was the leaner sibling of the two. And my eyes could not tear away from her as she moved with all the gracefulness there is.

After what has happened in the music room I most certainly am still embarrassed. I seemed desperate when I shifted my hips, I knew that. But feeling Alexandra behind me, her chest brushing against me and her warm breath lingering on the exposed skin of my body that wasn't covered by my dress...something overtook my whole being and I couldn't think rationally even if I tried. And so I did what felt right in that moment and moved my hips back, hoping for more contact.

But I wanted to see her again and when lord Nicholas told me about wanting to train with his sister outside in the palace gardens I suggested I go look at them if he didn't mind.

Which he didn't. He seemed glad I wanted to spend time with him on my own will.

It is quite fascinating to watch them. I have been curious about how they spar weeks ago when Nicholas told me about their sword fighting days when they were younger. My agreement to come and watch them came from a genuine curiosity to how seriously they duel each other and I was glad to find out they use swords with round tips on it and that I don't have to worry for any serious injuries unless one of them points the sword to their face. That could go wrong even with a round sword tip.

"Got you, sister!" lord Nicholas exclaims when he hits Alexandra on the top of her thigh.

The usually calm lady lets out a groan, throwing her head back in frustration.

"You're cheating," she accuses her brother, glaring daggers at him when she swings the sword around her all the while challenging her brother. "Again."

"How dare you? I would never cheat in a game. I am an honest man," he proclaims, getting into a starting position and swiftly smacking the side of the sword against her shin once they count to three.

She jumps on one leg with a wince and puts a palm to the spot on her leg that he hit. "That hurt."

"I know and don't care."

Watching them makes me observe the dynamic they carry between them. So far into the afternoon Alexandra is winning even with the two losses in a row now. Only by a few points but she still was winning as of now. They are a competitive pair and they like to wind each other up a lot. Those two observations were obvious from the moment I walked out here to see them giving each other mean glares as they stood across from each other, getting ready to fight.

They take their duelling seriously until one wins the round. Then they become cocky and it lasts until the winning streak falls apart.

"Do you think I cheated, Your Majesty?" Lord Nicholas turns towards me. I look from one Onassis to the other, between one who likes me enough and the one who tries to avoid me at any chance she gets, before I shake my head in denial of his question. "See? The Queen doesn't think so either."

"Her Majesty didn't verbalise it, though." Alexandra puffs her cheeks out and sticks her tongue out at her brother in a childish manner, like she has probably done thousands of other times during their childhood.

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