Chapter 34 - Charlotte

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Silent days from the government have gone by since we got locked behind these bars and the word has started to spread that the Queen is not present in her palace. According to the guards who brought us water and a bowl of dry rice on the third day of our imprisonment.

We are as hungry as one can be when they only had to deal with meals at the same set time each day without any exceptions for years upon years. And out of nowhere there is a change in the schedule and the quality of food you are consuming. As if you were nothing before they put you here in this place without any reasonable sins to be punished for.

The rough voice of the woman across from me drags me away from the dark cloud in my mind.

All this time here, we tried not to break the physical connection we had. The only one we could have in here. One time, the guards hurried in when they saw us holding hands and instead of yelling at us for it, they kicked and stepped on our palms, ensuring we couldn't hold each other anymore with so called comfort.

But it failed when we turned to the other side. They gave us a reason to quicken our reactions to the sound of the keys jiggling into the lock.

There was no argument with Alexandra because we both need the contact. The constant not knowing of what is coming next is getting more terrifying as more days pass by.

"Yes?" I croak back in an answer, craning my neck back to look at her.

Exhausted eyes stare back at me, her eyelids dropped in a way I have never seen before. We did sleep but one can only sleep so comfortably on a cold stone ground with nothing easing the position.

"Nothing." She shakes her head, giving me a tired smile. "I just needed to see your face. It has been quite a while since I last saw your pretty eyes."

I can't help but blush at her words.

Just how pathetic must we look to the outer world. Two women in love, on the plus side a queen and a lady, lying on the dirty ground of one of the most guarded prisons of England while they whisper sweet compliments into the damp air. Sun is right outside of the walls but with how far down the room we are being held in is, the rays couldn't reach us inside fully. Our skin is littered with goosebumps, our hair unkempt.

Only things in order in our appearances were the looks we shared along with our clothes. The ground might be full of decades old dust but neither of us moved too many times other than to eat and change our sides so the cramps could go away for a minute. On the outside, we weren't much of a mess.

A much larger mess was hiding on the inside.

"Way to flatter a queen in distress." I snort, giving her finger a light tap as a silent 'thank you' anyway.

"For a queen in distress you look quite beautiful, my Lottie."

"And for a lady in distress you look quite stunning yourself, my Lexie."

I am sure if one of the guards were to hear us talk like this they would either tie a rope around our mouths to prevent us from speaking, or they would change one of our locations so we wouldn't be able to see the other at all.

It is good we developed fast reflexes during the long months of hiding under everyone's noses, keeping silent when we heard strange noises behind the heavy door while sneaking our hands back so we wouldn't get into more trouble. We needed to stay alive and able to move our bodies if we ever wanted to try to find a way out of this godforsaken room. None of the saints would ever show their noses in a room as horrible as this.

"I want this to be over."

Gasping at her words, I tear my hand away from hers so I can lean my face between two bars where I take a hold of both of those around my face and look right at her.

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