~ she ~ Pt.1

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she's beautiful

that's all i can think as she walks down the aisle.

the bridesmaid to the beautiful biana vacker.

oh- you thought this was my wedding- 


Sophie has uh- mixed feelings about getting married. 

and honestly? it's all my parents faults.

She's scared of us turning into my parents. A valid worry for someone who was so traumatised by their actions.

But as I watch her standing there, looking so stunning in her bridesmaid dress, I can't help but feel grateful for her presence in my life. She's been my rock through everything, and I know that I wouldn't be where I am today without her.

But before I can say anything to her, the ceremony begins, and I watch as Biana and Dex exchange their vows. Sophie looks pensive, lost in thought as she listens to the heartfelt words spoken by the couple. I can't help but wonder what's going through her mind, and I make a mental note to check on her later.

As the reception begins, I find myself pulled in different directions - saying hello to old friends, catching up with my family, and making sure Sophie is okay. She seems to be holding up, but I can sense a tension in her that wasn't there before.

Finally, when we're alone for a moment, I take her hand and lead her outside to the garden. We sit on a bench and I wrap my arm around her, pulling her close.

"Are you okay?" I ask, searching her eyes for any sign of distress.

She shakes her head nearly breaking down into tears.

I'm happy that she thinks she can trust me. 

She can trust me.

"I'm just...thinking," she says suddenly. "About us, and our future." 

As I reassure Sophie, I can feel her fear and uncertainty about our future lingering beneath the surface. It's a fear that's been with her for a long time - ever since she witnessed the destructive actions of my parents, of my mum, and the mental toll that it has had on the both of us.

"What if we're not enough, Keefe?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. "What if we can't handle everything that's coming our way? What if we arent't meant to be?"

I can feel the weight of her words as they hang in the air. I take a deep breath and look into her eyes, trying to convey all the love and reassurance that I can muster.

"There's this quote- by someone- I can't remember but it goes You deserve to be the protagonist of your own wonderful, bizarre, terrifying little life. If you decide you are enough, you are enough. You don't need to wait for some grand external validation of your worth before you offer your kindest heart to yourself. Soph- I know you. I know that life isn't easy- especially not for us. But the love that I have for you is like the amount of stars in the sky- the amount of water in the ocean- the amount of space in this universe- endless. And if that is true for you as it is for me. Then we can overcome any obstacle. You are my soulmate. Soulmates are people that can never be undone- who accept and believe in you before everyone else did- who see things in you that other people don't- you do that for me. You believe in me. When no one else- not even Fitz- did. And I will keep believing in you, even if people did before me. Even if people saw your potential before me- I will keep believing in you- I love you endlessly." I pressed my forehead to hers. 

Sophie sniffled "Promise?" 

I felt cool droplets of rain splash my neck and Biana yelling out dramatically. 

I smiled and closed my eyes "I promise." 

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