~ sing a song ~

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Disclaimer : Song belongs to Ed Sheeran :)

I stood nervously on the stage. Thousands of eyes pinned on me, some depicting a manner of disgust, some of skepticicism, others eagerly waiting. I could feel myself tensing up, and the words wouldn't come up. 

I could spot Stina in the crowd. She looked at me and rolled her eyes, predictable. Then she did something unexpected, she gave me a thumbs up. 

Today was my graduation from Foxfire, and we decided to hold a talent quest and I stupidly overestimated my confidence. Foxfire, was such a big part of me, and now that I was graduating I felt, empty, but so emotional, I don't even know if my confidence was impacted by that. But with the encouragement from my friends who were in the front row cheering me on, silently, as Master Cadance would expect no less. 

My eyes scanned the room and suddenly I felt like I had been drowned underwater, and my eyes kept scanning the room, my vision blurring, but not from fainting, but from overwhelming thoughts. And the water kept filling up, despite the encouragement from Stina and my friends despite those who believed in me. I caught Maruca and Marella's stares from the other side of the assembly and they looked on and smiled, but the water kept filling, my lungs, and soon, ready to pour out. 

But soon, a boy and his friend slipped into the hall, running to the front row, and I heard 

"Shit, we're so late!" 

The boy's sat down and eagerly awaiting my singing, quitened down, and everyone looked at me expectedly. And the boy met my eyes and his smile lifted and suddenly, the water stopped, and as time went on I felt, I could breathe again, my lungs unfilling, vision unblurring, my heart rate back to normal. 

Keefe and Fitz had made it.

Ever since their graduation last year, and the attacks on my mental health. My PTSD triggered and panic attacks were common. And usually Keefe would always be at my side, but he wasn't, he was...gone. And they had been so busy with their studies in the university across the country, he was at Art School, and they had kind of forgotten about us. 

But I didn't mind per say. 

I just- missed them. 

Snapping back to the present I focused my eyes on Keefe as he kept smiling at me and gave me a thumbs up. And something inside me melted, my airway was clear finally, and I felt finally confident enough to sing in front of the crowd.

And I blocked out their stares.

Blocked out their thoughts

Blocked out what they thought of me. 

Blocked out them. 

And focused on him

"I know it's a bad idea" I breathed in as the backing track started up. 

"But how can I help myself?

Been inside for most this year

And I thought a few drinks, they might help

It's been a while, my dear

Dealin' with the cards life dealt

I'm still holdin' back these tears

While my friends are somewhere else"

And suddenly water flooded in but this time it didn't drown me, it lifted me, and I floated, I felt all to confident. And suddenly I sank into the water, but it wasn't water, it was a song, and I was lost in the song, singing the verses and the choruses. And the notes filled me, I may not have been the best singer but I had fun. 

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