~ the gift of goodbye ~ Pt.1

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All good things come to an end. I recite to myself daily. 

All good things come to an end


I stood in front my mirror, light pink blush dusting my cheeks, my hands clutching a parchment scroll tightly. My green gown flowed to the floor, the silk on the skirt complimenting the lace on the bodice. My blonde hair was curled in tight ringlets, so much that for a millisecond I saw Oralie in my appearance. 

It had been months since Keefe and I broke up. And honestly? A part of me felt like it had died without my existential knowledge. 

I gradually became numb. 

Numb to the hugs and the care.

Numb to the comfort 

And now, I felt nothing.

Most days, I feel nothing, some days are better than others.

Today was the worst I'd ever felt.

 Biana had gone missing on a Black Swan mission. After we graduated, she decided this would be her full time job. And I stupidly said nothing. And now she was gone. 

I felt my tears leak out of my eyes.

Vertina startled me "Don't cry" 

I laugh through my tears "Only you would say don't cry when your best friend is gone." I felt myself go numb. 

Vertina scoffed "My best friend is gone." She said almost sad. "Jolie has been gone for years."

I pulled my lips into a tight line. 

"She was beautiful you know? Auburn hair like her mothers, curious like her father, she was my world. She had boys lining up at the door, Grady per usual with his spiked bat. She had gorgeous ocean blue eyes, and fantastic wit, nearly top of her Foxfire class. She was polite, never rude, but then she changed. And she became distant and then too late-" I cut Vertina off. 

"-you couldn't save her." I said numbly

She said nothing.

 "And I never wanted to be close to anyone but her." She started. "But she was taken from me too soon, and now...my best friend is gone. So yes. I do know what it's like to lose my best friend." She went silent and I exited the room, my tears wiped away.


"We are here for- Biana Vacker" 

At the name my heart ached with injustices and hurt, sorrow, fear, sadness and depression. 

Everything had died and buried in the ground, a wanderling burst out of the ground. The light covering it and I threw my gaze downcast, feeling myself go numb again. Feeling my tears dry up, feeling all life leaving my body and my soul just buried with the wanderling.

I didn't feel the rain start to pour or Grady pulling me under the shelter.

I didn't feel Dex's hugs and I didn't feel the shake of the thunder. 

I didn't feel Fitz and Della and Alden when Della was trying to run to sit by Biana's wanderling but Fitz and Alden held her back from the rain. 

I didn't feel when Linh crouched down and put her knees in the soaked mud and started to cry. 

I didn't feel when Tam stood near no one, soaked in the rain, staring emptily at Biana's wanderling, his eyes empty like mine. 

I didn't feel Keefe and I couldn't feel his shaking hugs. 

I couldn't bring myself to feel anything at all. 

I couldn't feel at all.

Everything had died that day, my life, my soul,  my love, my feelings, my hope. 

Now everything was dead. 

The world had gone numb

Everything was silent 

Everything was meaningless, my relationship with the person I thought I loved most, my best friend, my feelings. 

Enerything was numb

Everything was over.

A/N: Never fear! I will not leave this without a sokeefe reunion so pt.2 here i come! But enjoy this one too.

It's so sad and it just shows how brave Sophie is to go through all that pain alone. :(

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