Stay Here

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Weeks after the gruesome event that had taken place at Nevermore that shaken the school, and unfortunately injured you, you were excused as classes resumed immediately after the restoration of some facilities and ensured everyone's safety.

At exactly seven you knew the tall woman with silvery blonde hair would come approaching your dorm and she was never late for the past few weeks, always making sure herself that you were well tended by the staffs and her.

Without a fail the Principal now sat on the edge of your bed with a comforting smile.

"You need to know that I have grown to care for you. Deeply." Larissa was smiling, staring at your eyes, and fondly stroking your cheek.

"And you must know that there's nothing I wouldn't do for you, Larissa." You said so quick you couldn't stop yourself even from mid-sentence.

"I—I was meant to say that I've rather grown fond of you as well, Principal Weems..."

Larissa noticed the shift, noticed the difference in your gaze. She preferred the first, when your eyes were twinkling, almost looking in daze, she felt so beautiful under your eyes. She knew you meant those words hence you were the one lying in bed with an injury as a souvenir from protecting her against Marilyn Thornhill.

She didn't say anything perhaps there was nothing to say. Her lips only settled into a lopsided smile, her eye never faltering away from your features.

It was almost confusing for you why she didn't correct you the first time you called her by her first name when you knew she was strict and wouldn't allow student to address her by her first name. And this wasn't the first time you did it.

You relaxed noting she didn't retract from you because of your first statement, if so it only made her drawn closer to you. You could say her act was intimate if you didn't know any better. Larissa was kind, affectionate to mostly everyone in Nevermore, she radiated the warmth most people need, and the heart melting comfort behind her tough bravado. What she was doing right now meant nothing like how you wanted it to be.

"What are you thinking, sweetheart?" this prompt you to shove the thoughts away and looked at her.

You shook your head. The truth was useless if you couldn't have her. "Nothing, Principal Weems..."

"Are you sure? Because it seems like you have a lot going on inside the pretty head of yours." A blush crept to your cheeks for her to feast on, giving her a faint hint of what you truly felt.

"I'm positive. It's nothing."

"All right." She replied with a sigh and glanced down on her wrist watch to look at the time. She's leaving.

You mustered a poker face, masking the frown and sadness on your face but you knew your eyes were giving it all away so you looked away but the attempt was helpless when she leaned and peck your cheek this time and feel the tired smile on her lips and that was when you only noticed the prominent wrinkles, her dishevelled appearance but no less still beautiful, the dark under eyes circles appearing from the sheer make up she had.

"You're tired."

"I look terrible, don't I?"

"No." and she believed you...

"You've been on your feet all day stressing over about everything in this school. I bet five bucks that you could barely walk in those heels anymore." She chuckled.

"I might just walk barefoot along the halls back to my chamber."

"That would be a smart idea." She didn't want to go. You didn't want her to go.

"Or you can stay here. There's still a lot of space..." you were pertaining to bed, and blatantly suggesting the idea of lying together in one bed.

Yes, there was still a decent amount of space enough for another person but it wasn't guaranteed that neither your bodies weren't going to touch at some point expecting a very limited space by then.

Larissa's heart started to pulse quicker not sure how much of it you truly meant but her heart was going wild from the mere suggestion. It would be wrong to accept and she was already damned for considering it but God why must you look at her like that? So unguarded and soft and she could feel the warmth of your bed inviting her to stop being rational and fuck it.

From her tensed shoulder and gaping lips, you braced yourself from the avalanche of disappointment.

"Twenty minutes." Larissa muttered settling back down on the edge of the bed and removing her heels. With shimmering wide eyes and the ecstatic jolt in your body, you moved to the other side of the bed to make space.

The woman's aching muscles relaxed against the feather soft mattress, you warmth quickly wrapping her in ease. As your both hands now tucked underneath the side of your head, and body curled facing the woman, you had a smile spilling on your lips that could be seen even from a mile away.

Larissa turned to face you, a grin prompting on her own lips. "Don't breathe a word about this or there will be consequences." She wasn't threatening, merely speaking a fact.

"My lips are sealed."

"Good." Larissa's arm stretched across to your face, nimble fingers brushed off the hair falling down your face neatly behind your ear. She perceived how you leaned to her touch, basking in so she let her hand linger a little bit longer on your skin.

A little later, fifteen minutes tops, you started to yawn and eyelids drooping down. Larissa only watched, taken by this version of you. The one she longed to see.

"Go to sleep, my love." She said, her voice tender in your ears and making its way down to tickle your heart. The words slipped with intent it was so much easier than holding it from the tip of her tongue.

You wanted to dwell with the endearment, make sure you heard her right but you were far too heavy-eyed so you decided you will just ask her about it the next day.

The restraint she had over herself was gone, and now she could breathe better. With one strong arm, Larissa pulled you closer to her, you breath caressing the naked skin of her neck and you gladly nuzzled even more so into her, an arm draping across her waist, the action falling under the guise of sleep.

"G'night, Issa." And she felt it, you dry but warm pair of lips touching the dip between her collarbone and her heart swelled in pure joy.

She pressed a kiss on top of your head and muttered good night as sleep had taken over her as well.

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