Let's go home

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(𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)

It was already half an hour past ten in the evening. School hours ended for quite a while now, and yet you were still standing in the middle of the huge hall, admiring the extravagant embellishments put up by some student that volunteered to help, together with the school staffs, and of course, you. It was quite unlike you to toot your own horn but hey, you really did a great job leading them, and with all the hard-work with weeks of preparation the Rave'N couldn't be more successful.

Still overwhelmed, you failed to acknowledge the Principal's presence, who came after noticing a figure, which at first she suspected was a student trying to sneak off campus.

She didn't expect it would be you. Her eyes widened at the sight, shocked and mesmerized.

"It's impressive..." her lips were moving, as her eyes scanned the whole expanse of the hall "—what you did here."

And you whipped around to look find her standing just a few feet away from you, she was near yet still out of your reach.

Heat crept to your cheeks caused by her compliment and the smile she kept well displayed on her lips.

"I-well, it wasn't just me. Everyone helped."

She stepped closer. "I knew I appointed the right person for the job. You never disappointed me." The hand on your shoulder kept you well in place, your body heating up almost immediately as it registered the contact.

"You will certainly be rewarded for your hard-work." Your stomach twisted and turn, breath coming in short. She had this grin on her face that was beyond innocent, and eyes were so not subtle while they gaze down your lips.

"Thank you but that won't be necessary." It took everything in you to muster a response. Of course it was necessary. You only accepted this because you wanted to please her, you wanted to show yourself off with the things you could accomplish and to be rewarded for being so good at it. You needed her to praise you.

"You don't seem quite sure." She taunted, leaning closer.

Automatically, your lips parted, provoked by your anticipation. Larissa smirked, tipping your head up with her fingertips.

Your body felt like it knew what was going to happen so you closed your eyes, inched closer, and puckered your lips.

Her breath touched your skin and you visibly shivered. Her scent came next luring you closer. You braced yourself for the moment of truth...

Larissa pressed her lips on your forehead, gentle and soft, it lingered there and you were certain she was smiling through it.

Your heart dropped, disappointed and shattered. "You're an asshole." You mumbled when she pulled away, disappointment dripping in your voice but your eyes were fond, a hint of smile on your lips. Larissa laughed, unreserved, a hand on her stomach.

You treasured moments like this, just you and her basking in the soft glow of the lamps, hearing her laugh and watching her just be her. It didn't matter if you two weren't exclusive, no one was in a hurry, you could wait until she was ready and every day she thanked you for being so patient with her, for being so kind and understanding.

Larissa calmed, opened her arms as gesture for you to step in her space and you gladly did. She wrapped her strong arms around you, your bodies lightly rocking back and forth, "You still smell amazing."

And you snorted, burying your face on her chest, desperate to be warmed.

"Come home with me tonight." It was out in the air before you realized you said it aloud.

The woman felt a tug in her heart. It was the first time you asked that.

But before Larissa could answer for herself you were already spilling the contents of your brain.

"I mean you don't have to if you're not ready—" your shoulders tensing as you back away a little creating a space you assumed she needed, "I just, I thought I could show you around the place I grew up in, and um, maybe spend more time away from here so you could actually rest and focus on yourself, and I was thinking I could cook for you—" yada, yada, yada . You were fumbling with the hem of your sweater while intently avoiding the woman's gaze.

When you stopped and stole a glance from her, Larissa asked, "Are you finish?" she mused. You nodded.

"Then let's go home."

Was she taken aback by the idea, yes, did she panic? Of course the woman did, but upon hearing you, her fears subsided. Her heart grew twice its size. And then suddenly, it didn't seem scary anymore, it didn't seem crossing any line she drew for herself to protect her heart. She felt safe with you and you took so much pride in this.

"Let's go home." You repeated, and it sounded so domestic her heart ached and she liked it.

Larissa then wrapped you in her arms, and kissed you, pouring her all of her affection into this kiss.

𝐀 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 | 𝐋. 𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐌𝐒Where stories live. Discover now