Shooting Star

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"Watch the stars with me." It wasn't a request nor was it a question. Larissa shifted her eyes from the correspondence she was writing, her hand pausing midway in completing an exceptionally long word. The tip of her fountain pain was then lifted from the paper to prevent it from bleeding further. She looked at you, her face morphing into something more softer.

"Come on. I haven't been able to watch the stars for a while."

The stars looked magnificent tonight, burning bright and littered all over in the dark sky, outshining the moon itself. Truly, it was a sight to see. Perhaps indulging your demand wouldn't do much harm and she needed a break. An all too well deserved break.

She pushed her seat and stood up without argument, running her palms down her dress to soothe the wrinkles and adjusting her dress. She took the hand you were offering, intertwining her fingers along with yours and allowing the heat to soothe her sore knuckles. She had either been typing or writing too much.

The smile on her lips, one that was too sweet and too tender, made your heart squeeze in your chest. It reminded you of that one time when she unceremoniously dropped a kiss on your forehead after driving her back home. It had been late, and she was tired, a little tipsy, too. It might have been the wine but it made your heart squeeze all the same.

Trailing from behind, hands still connected, she followed you to the balcony of her office where the cold air of the night breeze through tainting her cheeks pink and making her step closer to you. The night was peaceful making up for the chaos that it had been all day, allowing the older woman to decompress.

"Are you okay? Not freezing your tits or something, boss?" You giggled, the chilled air made her cheeks flushed or was it your hand that was still encased with hers?

You gave her hand another squeeze before letting go, your hesitation was clear, but Larissa was too engrossed admiring the stars to notice. You watched her wrap her arms around herself, rubbing her palms on the sleeves of her dress.

"I'm all right, dear. Thank you for checking. Are you comfortable, yourself?" She said, drawing her eyes from the stars to look at you. You didn't say a word, instead you shifted closer to her, pressing to her side and dropping your head to her shoulder, carefully so, as if moving too suddenly would scare her away. You hoped that was enough to show her how comfortable you were despite struggling to match her height. You kept your hand mostly to yourself.

Just then you felt her adjusting, levelling her shoulder down to let you rest your head properly without standing on your toes. She would have loved to tease you about it and she probably would next time but tonight, it all felt romantic to even try. Though she wasn't at all successful at suppressing the goofy grin on her lips.

She sighed, letting her head fall to yours.

"The stars are truly beautiful tonight." Her gaze wandered, looking for any present constellation.

"Indeed they are, boss." You had your eyes on her, it was a bit difficult with your head position but you could see the underside of her chin and jaw. She's beautiful and you didn't care about the damn stars.

"Work ended a few hours ago. I'm no longer your boss."

"And what else would you like me to call you? Mommy, perhaps?" There was a playful bite in your tone, something that didn't go unnoticed by the woman.

"That's not—that'!" she was fumbling. Unbelievable! Her cheeks were flushing, too cute and too much for your own little heart.

You rubbed your cheek  to her clothed shoulder, your eyes glittering with mirth, "I'm merely teasing, Larissa. Relax, please. Unless..." You wiggled your brows at her, daunting her further.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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