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"Can I get you anything else?" 

It was the end of your shift, and usually, it ended this way: you ask if there was something you could get her, a hot chocolate, coffee, tea or do some last minute paperwork for her, and then she would softly shake her head, "That will be all for today. You're dismissed." She would pause from typing away to look at you, her pretty, red lips would curl into a small smile, and her eyes would reflect the light from her laptop screen intensifying the blues of her eyes, briefly rewarding you with the attention you craved for.

After that, your head would hang low in an attempt to hide a ridiculous grin invading your lips, cheeks flaring red. You would walk away with a little bounce in your step, heart thumping fast in your chest.

But tonight was different.

"Yes. Come here." As unexpected as it was, you braced yourself internally and walked closer as per requested by the headmistress. You didn't attempt to move anymore now that you were by her side. It was because half of you didn't know what to do, and half was just utterly terrified to do anything that wasn't asked.

"Miss. Weems?"

"Let's see how obedient you are, pretty girl. Come here. Come closer." pretty girl, the endearment tugged on the corners of your lips.

A smile graced the Principal's lips, a little unperceivable if you weren't looking closer which then caused your heart to drop in the pit of your stomach. She tilted her head to the side, eyes glittering with mirth. It was new to you. For the past months of your employment, all you ever saw were glares and countless of her rolling eyes whenever she was crossed, which was frequented due to certain student.

Her gaze was unwavering, "Tie your hair up, darling." And your cheeks burn at what sounded like a harmless request but the tone and her looks were hinting you otherwise.

Lucky for you, you always had a spare hair tie in your pocket, that awfully small and narrow skirt pocket. You'd hate to disappoint her.

Weems leaned more comfortably in her chair, crossing her legs a bit more suggestively, her eyes unabashed as they took you in from head to toe. You could feel the weight, the way it raked up and down your skin, there was something harsh in it, something that seemed to tug at the end of your skirt and undo the buttons of your blouse. They made you feel naked.

Your body shivered.

"Such a pretty girl you are." At this your breath gets stuck in your throat.

You were not sure what was happening because this was unlike the Weems you had known for quite a while. Compliments were for business only, especially if it would be favourable for her in getting her what she wanted, which most of the time were successful.

"Unzip and pull your skirt down for me."

Your eyes could have popped off from their sockets if it were possible. With a wide-eyed gaze, you gape at her, waiting, but you weren't sure for what.

Slowly, after realizing it was not something your mind just made up or a joke, you swiftly did as what you were told. The sound of the zipper being pulled was as audible as the fire crackling in the furnace. Reaching the end, your breath slowed down.

She groaned, eyes lingering on the length of your legs once the skirt pooled at your ankles and the thin, laced underwear with a visible wet patch greeted her. She uncrossed her legs. "Now, bend over my lap." Your body stopped and turned rigid.

The shade of pink on your cheeks intensified under the heavy weight of her gaze on your naked skin. The room was now unbelievably hot, like you could feel her breathing on your neck, her teeth waiting to sink on your flesh. And still, you didn't understand any of this.

𝐀 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 | 𝐋. 𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐌𝐒Where stories live. Discover now