Lunch and Knickers

777 39 6

warnings: NSFW. SMUT.


It was lunch when your phone pinged denoting a text message.

Come to my office, it read. It was immediately followed by NOW.

Without hesitating, you typed your response: on my way.

There was this odd excitement pounding in your chest as you shuffle in your purse for bills to pay your share.

Receiving a message such as bizarre and out of nowhere like this could only mean two things these days, (one) Larissa's erotic desires had won the best of her and (two) Wednesday gad gotten into her nerves. Much to your amusement about the Principal being beyond vexed by the young girl, you wholeheartedly prefer the former option.

The food in your plate was barely cold, meaning it had only been served, five minutes ago in fact. You drank some cold water and wiped your lips before pushing back the chair, standing up, your colleagues looked at you in confusion.

"I'm sorry but I have to go." They didn't make any queries as to why you had to leave so sudden. After bidding quick goodbye, you had left.

Be there in twenty. It was the last message you sent before starting the engine of your car.

The drive from Jericho to Nevermore usually took thirty minutes to forty-five, but that was when you had Larissa sitting in the passenger's seat. Without her, you confidently could make it in twenty, unless God would intervene with your plans...

Fortunately he did not, not today. You made it as promised in twenty minutes and fifty-five seconds.

In haste, you almost forgot the box of cupcakes you ordered prior to getting lunch. It was Larissa's favourite.

Upon reaching the front of her office, you could already hear the heavy stomps her footsteps made, she was pacing. With furrowed brows, you entered, and found her in front of the fireplace with a glass of bourbon in hand and it was only midday.

You shut the door, removed your coat and placed the box on her desk. Still not getting an idea why would the headmistress call you in her office in the middle of fucking lunch.

Larissa Weems only watched you, sipping the liquid in her hand casually. You eyed her with a cocked brow, "Should I sit?"

She irritatedly sighed to herself, "Yes, yes of course. Take a seat, please." and you did, you boldly sat in her office chair. Comfortably nesting in the cushioned seat, your palms feeling in the lavish texture of the arm rest.

Larissa was taken, unaccustomed to the behaviour you exhibited. It was so unlike you to be...cocky.

You looked so perfect in her chair, nonetheless. She almost wanted to straddle your lap and take you right there but her mind was too clouded with something else. She decided her desire could wait.

"Wednesday broke in in the Gates' mansion." She started through gritted teeth. You didn't say anything, instead you merely gave her a nod for her to continue. You knew it was the preamble to a long speech of how frustrated she was with the young Addams so you braced yourself, gathered your thoughts and slid them in a bottle.

Somehow, despite your best efforts to listen, she had lost you within the next five minutes.

You couldn't shake how her dress hugged her curves and muscles in the most delicious way. How it accentuated her broad shoulders and showcased her back. She looked phenomenal. You couldn't help yourself from the sins you were ready to commit in the next few minutes.

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