An Absolute Dream

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(𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠!𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)

warning/s: a pinch of angst. fluff. borderline smutt? *unedited*


The gaze she gave was shameless. A perfect combination of hunger and want vivid in her eyes, raking your figure as you stood in front of her bed, in the dimly lit room.

The electricity was out, everyone was shuffling to get their hands on candles and flashlights while you, you sought for Larissa, and knowing all too well that she was cooped up in her dorm room, you didn't hesitate to go.

She already had several candles lit around the room, and a flashlight in hand directed to her lap where she cradled a book. Her roommate, Morticia Frump, was nowhere to be found. Good.

Larissa Weems shifted her glance back to her lap, turning another page, "Sit." her hand patting the space on her bed. The burning lights did well to conceal the flush creeping up your face, you sat down, timid as you brought your legs up, and scooted a little closer to the blonde.

She had her hair down tonight, soft, and wavy, just a little bit past her shoulder, some of the strands started transitioning into silvery white shade. She looked even more tempting.

You heard another crisp sound as she turned another page. The silence kept you tensed, you felt as though you were an inconvenience to her. She looked at you, reading you, you bit on your cheek as a nervous habit.

She knew you were scared of the dark, and being all alone in a small space of your room without company was even terrifying to you. It warmed her really, that you turned to her to seek for any means of company, but oh, she had a little bit of trouble shaking off how delicious you looked in your velvet shorts and tank top. Her thoughts were floating nowhere near innocence.

"I can go if that's what you—" want. The way her eyes fleetingly shot back at you upon knowing where the sentence would end had stopped you. "And where would you go? To Morticia? Be my guest if that's what you want." There was a bite in her tone, and a tinge of jealousy that she thought she kept well hidden.

You failed to notice it, too taken by the display of anger, and irritation in her eyes.

"I didn't...No. but it seems as though you don't want me here." Your voice sounded small, hurt even.

The tough exterior shed away. She sighed, exasperated with the battle in her head. Larissa was jealous, yes, of Morticia, correct, she thought you were only looming around because of her roommate when in fact she was the sole reason. You were here with her because you wanted her

"Come here." It electrified you how soft she sounded, contrasting the tone she had just moments ago. You hesitated, truly you wanted to dive into her side, snuggle her but you still felt somewhat unwanted.

You only looked at her as your heart raced.

"Please?" she said casting aside the book, and motioning for you to come to her. This time, you saw and felt the sincerity of her word.

Once cuddled by the woman, you hid your face on her chest, your arm clinging to her waist. You wanted to cry and she held you impossibly close to her. Your bodies flushed together.

The thoughts that once invaded her head dwindled to nothing as soon as you were tucked in her arms, she wanted nothing than to keep you safe.

"You feel nice." It was a thought lingering in your head for a while now ever since she had wrapped you in her arms after winning in the Poe Cup.

Larissa could say the same thing as her nimble hands caressed the expanse of your back, feeling the sheer cloth and the lack of bra, but instead she didn't say anything more than a hum. She continued, until her fingers were tracing the dip on your waist down to your hipbone.

She then felt you pinched her side, she looked down at you with a frown, as if asking 'what was that for?'

"Had to do it to know you're real because this feels like an absolute dream." The admittance rendered her capacity to think to just stop. Did you just really say those words to her?

You took her silence as a cue to continue talking, "You're an absolute dream, Larissa."

It was then her heart's turn to pound to her ears a little too extreme. She hadn't taken you for someone as straightforward as you were now. It completely messed her up.

There was nothing more sensible to do for Larissa at the moment than kiss you because if she were to speak, she would be tripping on her tongue, an awfully, embarrassing way to admit that the feeling was mutual.

She had her whole life right before her eyes and she would be damned if she let this slip away.

Your lips fell apart to invite hers. You knew those gaze, you knew what it meant when someone's eyes were moving in an inverted triangle shape, from the left eye to the right then down to your lips while their lips were slightly parted with shallow breaths.

She wanted to kiss you.

Larissa's hand cupped the back of your head, bringing you close to her. Her lips softly welcome your own as her eyes flatter close, sinking into the feeling of having her lips on yours. The butterflies tingled her insides, cheeks warm red.

You felt her tongue swiped over the length of your bottom lip, you allowed her in within the very second, feeling her tongue against yours. She was sweet, and minty. You sucked and nibbled, while Larissa's hand explored and shifted you on top of her.

When your eyes met for the first time after what seemed like forever of kissing and touching, you felt renewed by those eyes, glittering with mirth, and affection.

It was an absolute dream indeed.

Later when the electricity was back up, and Morticia was entering the room with a dishevelled look, she made her presence known by saying: "Larissa did you check on (y/n)? She's probably terri—oh, nevermind." And gave up mid-sentence when the girl in question was in deep slumber resting on her roommate's chest.

𝐀 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 | 𝐋. 𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐌𝐒Where stories live. Discover now