Let's stay in bed, be naked all day.

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note: another self-indulgent fic for my favorite principal. it's all fluff despite the title.


The bed was warm, sunlight pouring, unrestrained by the sheer curtains casting a soft glow in the room. It felt peaceful and calm.

You relaxed further into Larissa, resting your head on her chest, and draping your arm across her waist as they slipped under the night shirt she wore, the pads of your fingers tenderly caressing the soft expanse of skin. She let out a noise, responding to your little ministrations while her lips twitched to a miniscule grin.

Mornings like this, where in you could indulge in her embrace without having to break off anytime soon, would always be your favorite.

"You're staring" It summoned your attention.

She knew you were staring despite having her eyes closed. It was like she developed a sixth sense solely for you wherein she could detect when your eyes were on her. Or perhaps it was the fact that she spent so much time with you, probably more than anyone could ever guess, that she could tell whatever you were doing even with her eyes closed.

Just then it downed to her how intimate it was, how wholesome this was for her.

With a cheeky smile you confirmed it, "I am" abandoning her waist to trace subtle lines on her chest.

Larissa opened her eyes, revealing those sapphire blues, they were always a little lighter in the morning.

She moved propping her elbow and resting her head on her hand, she looked down on you, "You always do that. It concerns me."

"How so?"

"Isn't it always the beginning of a murder mystery movie where in the wife resent her partner and plots their death?" she replied a little too serious it made you burst into laughter.

"You mostly inspire sexual fantasies, love."

"Like what?" she countered, eyes narrowing on you.

A mischievous gleam appeared in your eyes. You leaned forward, your eyes falling on her supple lips "Fucking you on your desk while you're engaged in an important call."

Because let's be honest, seeing Larissa fell apart under you while keeping her composure and voice intact while you torture her was too hot

"Oh, actually I have a call to make later this afternoon in my office."

"Do you now?"

She bit her lip whilst giving you a nod, "Mhmm"

Right then you felt these butterflies erupting inside your ribcage. You were so in love, so taken by this celestial being that the thought alone of having the privilege to wake up in her arms every morning pushed a tear down your cheek.

An "Oof" came out of her lips in surprise when you lunge yourself toward her, draping your body above hers with a bone-crashing embrace, your face flat on her chest.

"Let's stay like this all day." It was a weak mumble, the woman under you couldn't have heard it if you weren't so close to her.

Larissa smiled, already melting into your antics, "Anything you want, my love." It pinched your heart how soft-spoken her words were, it felt so light, floating like a feather in the air. It brought more tears in your eyes, damping her chest.

"I love you, Larissa."

"I love you, my little dove." And then she pressed a kiss to your lips while her hand soothingly draw random shapes on your back.

Your heart swelled with so much love, cherishing the raw and naked affection she had to offer.

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