
541 26 4

warning/s: MINORS DNI.  mirror kink. praise kink. size kink. cunnilingus. fingering. slight mention of breeding. office sex.

enjoy this filth :>


Larissa was drunk off of kissing you, off of worshipping you with her mouth and teeth and hands. She loved the taste of sweat on your skin as her tongue—flat and wide and wet—ran along the length of your throat, smirking at the way it bobbed as you swallowed and whimpers vibrated right onto her lips.

She loved tracing her tongue down to the valley of your breasts, licking each nipples and sucking the undersides, circling your belly button all the way down until there was no part of you she hadn’t tasted. Her fingernails dragged on your skin leaving red marks in their wake before her hand—strong and very much capable of different heights of pleasures—slid down your sides to grip on your hips and pulled you without mercy as her mouth found its way down to her desired place. A squeak pushing past your lips making the older woman above you chuckle.

And she was gentle as she dipped her tongue down to the familiar route she had taken over and over. You felt it in between your folds parting and teasing. She licked her way up to your clit then down again to the very end. It drove you mad. You were positive your juices were now overflowing to her mouth from just the way her tongue was working you up.

Honey, she said once, you tasted like honey and smelled like the perfect woman.

Before you knew it, her thumbs were spreading you and your toes curling against the hard surface of her desk.

“Fuck,” you breathed, finding purchase in her hair and onto her shoulder, your back arching.

“Please.” It was pathetic how you couldn’t wait to be filled, your insides already anticipating the  stretch as she forced her length all the way until the tip was hitting your cervix, until your body couldn’t physically take it all but you still wanted her, all of her. So greedy for her.

You wanted to squirm, to buck your hips to her face, to pull her right where you needed her and scream. Oh, you were so ready to scream for her. So ready for everyone to hear how much of a slut you are for her and while the chances of anyone hearing what was happening in her office was low due to soundproof walls it was not zero.

Her eyes were lidded—lustrous. She looked at you with eyes that speak of a deep desire, a need of a craving that was beyond anything she had ever experienced. Every instinct within her was just demanding more and more. To take everything you had to offer. To have you.

You shouldn’t have let yourself get so lost in those eyes, those eyes that were once so vivid blue were now dark, dark like the endless depth of the ocean ready to swallow you.

You shouldn’t have let yourself be enamoured because that was when the predator striked.

Larissa earned herself a gasp, followed by a whimper and then moans as she plunged two of her fingers inside and curled them altogether.

“Do three.” you suggested,

“Mmm, as you wish.” She cooed, slipping her fingers and adding another.

“That’s right. That’s it baby. Take it all in. I know you can.” So you relaxed your body, allowing her to push deeper into your sex causing for your mouth to fall open with a silent scream, your brows knitting together in both pain and pleasure.

“Such a very good girl, aren’t you?” She kissed each of your thighs then your hip bones, you could feel her smiling against your skin. “I'm so proud of you. Good job.” her words made your heart swell with pure pride and love.

“Tell me, does it feel good?” She asked curling her fingers again, this time hitting your spot.

“Hng—yes! Yes, fuck” You hissed when she started penetrating you in and out, and each time, she made sure your body would want more.

Your face instantly went red from the lack of proper breath as she edged you, “Don’t you dare come without telling me, little one.” Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

You willed your eyes open, wanting to see her and only her but the reflection above stunned you. You knew of her affinity for mirrors, she had made you watched herself fuck you more than you could count while staring at the mirror, knew that she get off from looking at you playing with yourself with your legs spread wide and your back pressed to her body in front of huge mirror in her bedroom but this…the sight above you knocked the breath out of your lungs. She had mirrors on the ceiling.

You could see yourself being fucked so rough that your body move against her fingers, and you loved it, loved how you could watch the way how her body was almost draped over you, her mouth now clamped on your breast satiating her own need for flesh.

“You think we can add another one?” your gaze shifted down to your lover, “W-what? Larissa, I—” you breathed out, completely astonished with her request yet the idea aroused you in ways you couldn’t comprehend. Why, why did it make your cunt flutter?

“We should start stretching you if you want my cock to fit into your tiny hole, love.” Mmm, fuck.

You nodded, “Yes. Yes, fuck, you can add another.”

“I know you’d say yes.” She smiled and kissed your forehead, it was so loving and warm like she just didn’t ask if she could fuck you with four of her fingers.

You tried to brace yourself from the pain. Your arms snaking around her torso, pulling her closer and closer, “Kiss me, please. I need you to need you to kiss me.” And kiss you she did. Distracted, you almost didn’t feel her adding the fourth but fuck it was impossible not to feel it once she started moving her fingers again. So the kiss faltered, and she watched you take her all in with a shit-eating smirk on her face.

Larissa fucked you with her fingers, with her mouth, with her words. She made your head spin in pure ecstasy until you felt yourself on the brink of a mind-shattering orgasm.

“Please let me come.” You were desperate, the knot was too tight and too hot, her pace was not getting any slower. You had to come.

“Come for me, little one.”

As the orgasm hit and her arm grew tired her kisses turned loving, more gentle. “I love you.” She panted against the crook of your neck, her body growing limp.

You gladly secured your arms around her, kissing the side of her face and murmuring words of affection.

After a moment, Larissa pulled herself just enough that she could rest her chin on your sternum, “Next time, when you’re ready. I'll bury my cock deep inside your cunt and breed you.” she said, pulling her fingers out of you and licking each one, not once did she ever lift her gaze from you.

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