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Usage of the following

Abuse, Violence, Obsession, Mature contents.

Names, Character reference, Business Association, Company are clearly product of Author's Imagination and just used for fictional manner and for representation only. Characters, Places and Event that appeared in content doesn't have anything to do with real life. All scenes and chapters are completely work of Author's imagination. Any resemblance to place. Person living or dead is clearly and accident.

There might be some inappropriate language and lots of Mature Content used so please proceed at your own risk.

The act of Plagiarism will not be tolerated

This is an Alternative Universe fanfiction. The names mentioned are used for only representation.

I do not own any of BTS members.

© Copyrights by Park_Shone

All Rights Reserved.

A/n: I want to thanks to all the readers who somehow stumbled to my story. Thanks for giving this story a chance. I hope i can write  something interesting for y'all.

See you soon !!

My Saviour Park Jimin Where stories live. Discover now