Chapter 3

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I Want You

"Why?" she asked.

"Cause i saved you just now and now your life is mine forever" i whispered in her ears.

As i she stared at me suddenly she fell in my arms. I looked at her worriedly i shook her gently but she passed out. I sighed and then lift her bridal style to my car and drove to my house.

When we reached home i gazed at her she's still unconscious, i get out of the car to her side and lift her to my bedroom directly cause obviously i don't know her address so i have to bring her to my home cause i am not that ruthless to just leave her there unconscious on the roadside.

As i laid her on my bed i stared at her face she's beautiful she has brown wavy hair smooth milky skin and beautiful lips. It's not like i didn't saw pretty women before but something caught my attention to her.

I sat on the side of bed and tucked some strands of her hair behind her ear she whimpered at the touch of my cold hand. But my mind dazed to something else as she whimpered.

As imagined how she looks underneath me while whimpering like that.But i quickly shrugged the thought but i want her to stay by my side now i want her to be mine forever.

I stared at her longer than i thought i wondered what makes a beautiful women like her do something as horrible as taking her own life but when i felt that she's waking up i stand up beside the bed.

She blinked sometime then look around the room maybe thinking where is she but she looks adorable while doing that then her eyes landed on me i looked down at her while a little smile tucked on my lips.

"Where am i ?" she asked shyly.

"We are at my house don't worry you just passed out and i don't know what is you address so i brought you here" I said cheekily.

"Oh ok"

"I am alright so i should leave now"

As she said that my heart dropped i don't want her to leave i don't know why but still.

"It's late outside now you can leave in the morning if you want to" i made an excuse to stop her from going away from me.

"By the way i am Jimin. Park Jimin"

"Oh i am Y/n. Kim Y/n.

"And no it's fine i'll be alright, i don't want to bother you"

"Oh No you didn't bother me i insists please"

"By the way can i ask you what happened to you uh.. that you're doing that what you want to do ealier. I asked her concerned.

"Nothing it's that i really don't have a good day it's just things happened which i can't handle so.." She sobbed while she speaks.

"Hey i don't cry i am sorry but if something happened you can share with me i am listening" I said while sitting beside her.I observed her she seemed to hesitated doing an argrument with her mind weather she should tell me or not. But she give in and open her mouth to speak.

"It's just that My families condition is not good i mean we're good but my parents they always fight my father is an alcoholic he always beats her and if i interrupted in there matter then he beats me also." She sighed and sobbed again but continue "And i thought i am not that unlucky cause i have someone whom i can share my feelings to but today i can't handle it anymore. My boyfriend h-he dumped me while saying he don't want to be with me cause he loved someone else now.I give him my all but i guess i am not enough." She cried and just by imagining her with someone else makes my blood boils and i just wanted to ripped the one who touched her. But now that she's here with me i don't let her go now. Never. She's mine. All mine.

"I am sorry i just i am sorry for bothering you i should leave now." She said whipping her tears that are streaming down while making me snapped out of my trance getting up from the bed.

"No you're not going anywhere you're staying here that's it" i said as my expression turn dark. She seems to noticed cause she looked a little scared of me.

"Uh... n- no i should leave" As she strolled towards the door.

"Didn't you remember what i said to you earlier when you are conscious? Huh?" I said as i grabbed her wrist while she wants to leave.

She didn't turn to looked at me so I turned her and pulled her towards me she crashed on my chest while looking down. I put my finger under her chin to lift it so she looked at me in the eyes. I can tell she's a bit afraid and neverous at the same time.

"Didn't you heard me babygirl" i asked huskily she widened her eyes but i can feel that she also feels some kinda attraction towards me.

"H-huh? What do you mean by that?" she asked.

"You know what i mean 'Baby' i can see it in your eyes" i said while smirking. She looks flusttered after she heard that.

"N-no i didn't what are you talking about?" she said while embarrassed.

"Oh you really don't know what i mean" i said as i leaned forward my minty breath brushed against her beautiful lips while she stared at me and that's when engulfed her lips into mine she widened her eyes and stiffened but soon after she respond to my kiss.

Her lips felt so intoxicating that i can't stop my self and pulled her towards me from her waist not wanting any gaps between us and i slammed her against the wall beside the door while not letting go of the kiss. She gasps a little and i get the chance to enter my tongue in her mouth wanting to explore every inch of her savouring her taste ontomy mind.

My Saviour Park Jimin Where stories live. Discover now