Chapter 4

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She pushed me a little but i didn't budge instead my kisses travel towards her jawline to neck while giving butterfly kisses to her neck i found her sweet spot she left out a soft moan which turned me on. I can felt myself getting hard it seems like she noticed cause she flinched a little. Then i started to sucked on that spot with aggression she moaned again but covered her mouth as soon she felt what she did just now i smirk besides her skin. But her moans are my favourite music right now and i want to hear them i want her to moan my name from that pretty little mouth of hers.

"Fuck Don't baby i want to hear them i want to hear you doing that for me" I groan between the kiss as my lower area wanting to get free as i grind against her.

"J-jimin what are you doing?" She gasps again.

"Shh... babygirl i want you. I want to feel you. Don't you want me too?" i asked while breathing unevenly.

It's seemed like something crossed her mind and she hesitated a bit but then she looked at me her eyes glistening i can saw the wanting in her eyes like she's been longing for the moment like this where she get the feeling of wanting.Where she gets the love she deserves.

"Fuck it Y-yes i want you Jimin ,i-i want you all for me are you willing to do to give me all of you" she said looking deeply into my eyes my expression turned darker than before and it's enough for me to lift her and wrapped her legs around my waist while carrying her to bed.

"Yes, babygirl i am willing to do that cause now You're mine forever and i'll never let you go.

To be continued...

So here we go with the 4th chapter.

Hope y'all loved it and please vote and comment so i can improve.

And i love to know some suggestions on this cause i want to know what y'all think about this.

Smut is coming by the way things about to happening i hope y'all are excited cause i am. It's my first time writing and also my first time writing something like this.

My Saviour Park Jimin Where stories live. Discover now