Chapter 2

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He pulled me down from the railing , i started to struggling in his grasp to free myself. Just as i looked up at him time stop for me he is beautiful, he had glowing skin ,silver hair,pink plump lips,dark brown orbs that reflects mine, looked directly into mine with worried gaze.

I don't know why but i lost in his gaze, but when i get my senses back i pushed him lightly cause of the small distance between us,but he didn't let go of my hand, i can sense he thought that if he let go i'll again try to do what i just want to do a while ago.

But now i don't even have the strength to do that also,tears starting to stream down again i put my palms on my face and cried. He came close to me still worried.

"Hey what's the matter, are you okay? Why are you doing this? Why are you crying?"

When he didn't get any answer he sighed he hesitated to come closer to me but do it anyway and pulled me in his warm embrace, i snuggled my face into his chest i don't know why but his warm embrace and his scent makes me relax.

After a while i let go of the hug and lower my head and mumbled a thanks to him quietly but enough for him to hear it.

He smiled and said "it's okay" ,When i again looked at him he's smile at me and ask "are you alright now" I just nodded my head as a yes .Then it hit me what am i just now going to do. If he don't stop me maybe i'll be gone by now.

He saved me he really saved me he cares about me i thought. He's My Saviour.

From that moment i realised that my life now belongs to him from that moment he became my everything and i decided that i want him all for myself.

He waved his hand in front of my face when he thought i dazed out.

"Um i..i am sorry i just dazed out thank for saving my life." I said nervously.

"It's alright but can i ask you why are you doing this? Why do you want to end your life?" he said while frowning.

I gazed at him trying to said anything

"I..i don't have a reason to live nobody love and care bout me, nobody wants me.So i thought what's the point in living when nobody wants you."

"Who said this to you?" he said.

"Huh?? I ask in confusion

"I said who said nobody cares for and you and nobody wants you?"

Still confused by his statement i said

"Cause it's the truth" i said while smiling sadly.

"But i want you" he said while closing the gap between us.

I looked at him while widening my eyes in shock and happiness both. "He really does cares bout me and he wants me just like i want him" i thought again.

"Why?" i asked.

"Cause i saved you just now and now your life is mine forever" he whispered in my ears.

I stared at him shocked but my vision started to blur and everthing turned black after that.

To be continued...

So, here is the first chapter of the story. I know it's shitty but i still hope you liked it and please don't hate me it's my first time writting something.

And also vote & comment please and i'll help me improve give suggestion freely if you want. But please don't write hate comments. I can't bare that i am a little sensitive person.If you don't like it please you can skip this.

Thank you !!

My Saviour Park Jimin Where stories live. Discover now