Chapter 5

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Warning SMUT read at your own risk

Jimin's Pov

"Fuck it Y-yes I want you jimin, I-I want you all for me are willing to do to give me all of you" she said looking deeply into my eyes my expression trun darker than before and it's enough for me to lift her and wrapped her legs around my waist while carrying her to bed.

"Yes, babygirl I am willing to do that cause now You're mine forever and I'll never let you go."

As I say that I smashed my lips onto her she respond to my kiss immediately. I don't know what had went in my mind I never go so excited and needy for any girl but she gives me the feeling I never get before. I kissed her hard with aggression. She responded with the same eagerness.

"Fuck baby" I groan.

I sat on the bed with her on my thighs not letting go of the kiss. Pulled her t-shirt off of her my hand roam all over on her body. Then I laid her on her back while pulling away to get a full view of her body. She is fucking beautiful her curves make me want to devour her.

Then I pulled my t-shirt off of me  and then I opened the button of her shorts pulling them down. She covered herself with her hands while blushing. I held her hands stopping her.

"Don't cover yourself babe you are beautiful." I said and she blushed more making her cheeks pink.

Then I unbuckle her bra pulling it off and leaned forward touching her breast while engulfing her one breast between my lips while massaging the other one. She moaned making me harder as I grind myself on her and touching her core outside from her panties while getting my hand inside.

"Already so fucking wet for me" I said while smirking.

Going upward while sucking I kissed her before I pulled away from her unbuckling my belt pulling it off quickly and leaned forward kissing her once more going down while marking her with hickeys.

I get between her legs looking upward making eye contact with her I pulled down her panties kissing her inner legs slowly going to her core area. I give a long lick to her clit making her whimpered she closed her legs but I caught them leaning my head more into her core start eating her out she arched her back and her hands going in my locks while tugging on them. I thrust my tongue into her at a fast pace she clenched herself around my tongue wanted to cum.

"A-ahh....Jimin i-i am close...."

"Cum for me babe I want to taste you" I said on her core send vibration on her body.

After a few minutes of devouring her she became a moaning mess and cum in my mouth. I swallowed her cum not leaving anything behind. She is panting her chest is heaving up and down. I pulled away going upto to kiss her giving her taste of herself. While kissing I quickly pulled down my boxers wanted to be inside her wanted to be around me.

When I pulled away she looken in my eyes then her eyes traveled to my chest then to my abs while bitting her lips then her eyes goes down to my member and her eyes widened at the sight of it she gulped. I feel proud of myself cause why not.

"J-jimin how c-can fit inside m-me?" She asked. I chuckled.

"It will baby"

"What if it's not?"

"Then I'll make it"

With that I leaned to kiss her, I get between her legs positioned myself on her entrance while teasing her.

"J-jimin don't tease m-me just take me already."

"As you wish babe"

With that I pushed myself inside her slowly wrapping her legs around my waist. She gasped loudly arching her back and head into the pillow and saying it hurt and I should pulled out. But I don't know what got into my mind I ignore her pleads and kissed her for distracting her from the pain cause the felling she gave me want to make scream my name  and beg infront of me.

"A-ahhhhh....pull o-out i-it hurts."

I started thrusting inside her starting with the slow pace and begging to fastened my pase wanting to feel her more. She scratched my back I groan.

"Ahhhhh.....J-jimin" she moaned.

"Yes baby moan my name." I groaned while breathing heavily in the crook of her neck sucking.

"F-faster J-jimin ahhh."

"Fuck y-yes baby"

I started ramming into her harder and deeper making her scream I wanted to know everyone that how good I make her feel and that she is mine.

"J-jiminnnnnn.......a-ahhh.." she screamed.

"F-fuck baby yes scream my name." I said grabbing her waist fucking her senselessly.

"Jiminnnnnn......." She screamed again.

"You are mine all mine let the neighbours know who you belong to how good I make you feel."

I then put her one her on my shoulder taking her better and more deeper. She became a moaning mess but her moans are music to me. I fucked her deeper then before.

Then I changed our position and flip her onto her stomach I put a pillow under her stomach lifting her butt I smack her butt making her whined. I leaned forward pushed my member inside her taking her from behind laid onto her beside her ears talking dirty while she screamed and clutched the bedsheet. I kissed the back of her neck and her back as I rammed myself into her hard and fast feeling that I am in euphoria. The sweaty and damp body engulfed each other in dimmly lighted room and the only sounds could be hear is moans, groans and skin slapping whenever our body make contact. She clenched around me getting close to her climax morning loudly she cummed around me whill shaking. I fastened my pase and thrusted faster building my climax also. After few fast and hard thrust I cummed inside her groaning loudly and pantin while throwing my head back.

I panted and drop myself onto her after a while I get up and pulled out of her dropping myself beside her pulling her towards me kissing her gently she kissed me with same eagerness I smiled in the kiss pulling away.

"I think i-i like you Y/N." I said while smiling.

"I like you too Jimin-ah, thank you for making love to me." She smiled back.

"Shhh....You are mine from now on all mine."

Holding her close to me engulfing her into my arms she put her head on my chest dazing off I smiled while staring down at her I don't know how long then my eyes become heavy then I also got into my deep slumber.

To be continued.....

My Saviour Park Jimin Where stories live. Discover now