Chapter 9

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                        Kim Taeyung

Author's Pov~

It's been a week since the incident happened. But she still can't believe what happened last week. Most importantly she can't get her mind away from a certain 'Someone'. She also didn't know why but she knows that certain someone is going to stuck in her mind forever.

She was going to her class after a week cause she's just don't want to talk or meet anyone. Especially she don't want to face 'him' cause she knows she can't hold herself that time she still couldn't know how to face him but still she got herself together and here she is walking to her first class.

On the way to her class she got starled when someone hugged her from behind and yelped. As she widened her eyes a bit but she soon recognise the one who shooked the crap out of her.

"I missed you bae."

"Where have you been this whole week? I am worried sick about you I tried to call you so many times but your phone went straight to voicemal." He asked still engulfing her. It's none other than her bestfriend she felt guilty for ignoring him the whole week.

" I missed you to Jungkook."

"It's just things happened and i want be alone so i am sorry." She said with a sigh while lowering her head.

"Hey what happened to you why are you why are you looking so pale."

Just then the bell rang alerting them that class is started.

"I am Okay Jungkook lets talk about it at lunch time."

"Hm okay." He hummed and drop her to her class and walked to his own.

At lunch Time ~

Y/N stood up and packed all stuff into her bag. She get out of the class as others also went out. She walked to the cafeteria of the UNI. When Jungkook approached her they both went in and sat on there usual table.

She don't have appetite but she knows that she has to let out all the things going through her mind before it's exploaded. She tell Jungkook that she's not hungry and she's on a diet so only he goes and get his lunch for him.

"So? What did you want to talk about huh?" He asked while sitting on his place glancing at her.

She sighed a started speaking.

"We are no longer together."

"Huh? Who? Wait- y-you mean you and him?"

"Yeah he dumped me last week." She said holding my tears back.

"Hey why? Are you okay bae?"

He asked concerned and i nodded my head telling him every single thing what happened last week aside about Jimin save me and the what happened next cause you know why but still i can't just tell him that i got lost in my emotions and had sex with a stranger who saved my life.

"Yah Y/N don't waste your tears on that stupid. Don't cry bae."

He said comforting me i am glad that i have him as my best friend and my brother in my life.

Y/N's Pov

After talking to Jungkook i feel a bit better. He's the one who is always with me in my high's and low's. We've been together since childhood his mom and my mom were best friend.

I walked to my locker to get my books for the next class. I grabbed the books and slamned my locker shut turning around. But someone pinned me to my locker i got shooked shutting my eyes. As i opened them and looked up at person tears stung my eyes but i hold them back.

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