Chapter 6

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                         I can't be here

Next day ~


I woke up when sunrays peeking on me from the curtains of the windows. I stared at the white ceiling than I sat up as I averted my eyes around the unfamiliar room, getting confused as where I am while thinking my eyes landed on the figure laid beside me I widened my eyes as memories of last night hit me.

"Oh fuck" I cursed under my breath as I remembered everything from last night.

I had sex with an stranger whom I merely know for only few hours my miserable state and my broken heart get the best of me. But how could I do this even if I'm broken how could I give myself to someone whom I don't know. I know he saved me from committing suicide and I'm thankful to him for that but what we have done is not right.

"Yes I want you I want all of you will you give me all of you?"

"Yes you are mine now. So I can give you anything."

I remembered everything from last night I remembered how I said I want him and asked if he is willing to give all of him to me. And how he said yes. My cheeks went warm as I blushed while thinking of that and then when I looked at his face and his half naked self I blushed more by remembering how addicting those plump lips are how I melt under his touches how good he make me feel.

But I quickly shrugged that felling off when I remembered about 'Him' how he broke my heart how he said that he don't want me anymore. But I still love him. I can't forget him in just one night he's my first love who is my everything until yesterday whom I done everything whom I give my everything.

"I like yo Y/N."

"I like you too."

Then again looked down to him I liked Jimin he saved me he made love to me I don't regret what happened last night between us it's the best night of my life, but I am not ready for a relationship I am broken although he made me forget that in that moment but still my insecurities don't let me persue him.

Then I again looked down to him I liked jimin he saved me he made love to me I don't regret what happened last night between us it's the best night of my life, but I'm not ready for a relationship I am broken although he made me forget that in that moment but still my insecurities don't let me persue him.

I quickly put aside the sheets and got up from the bed. I wore my clothes and grabbed my phone which is on the night stand beside the bed.

One last time I glanced towards jimin who was sleeping peacefully looking like a squishy baby. I leaned and kissed his forehead while stroking his hair lightly not wanting to wake him up.

"I am sorry I can't be here"

Then I turned around for leaving I walked down the stairs and quickly get to the front door I get out quickly glancing one last time at the house....

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